Teller Report

Bouffier: Vaccination start gives confidence for 2021

12/31/2020, 8:00:05 PM

display Wiesbaden (dpa / lhe) - In his New Year's address, the Hessian Prime Minister Volker Bouffier (CDU) called on people to “stand together more than ever” in 2021. Unfortunately, the turn of the year is in a very serious situation, said Bouffier on Thursday, according to a message from the Wiesbaden State Chancellery. "We are in the middle of the pandemic and must continue to do everything w


Wiesbaden (dpa / lhe) - In his New Year's address, the Hessian Prime Minister Volker Bouffier (CDU) called on people to “stand together more than ever” in 2021.

Unfortunately, the turn of the year is in a very serious situation, said Bouffier on Thursday, according to a message from the Wiesbaden State Chancellery.

"We are in the middle of the pandemic and must continue to do everything we can to contain the far too high numbers of infections."

But there is also light on the horizon, emphasized Bouffier.

"The approval of the vaccine and the start of the vaccination allow us to look to the year 2021 with confidence."

The head of government continued: “If we remember later, then 2020 will be the year in which Corona determined our lives.

I wish all of us that 2021 will be the year in which we will overcome Corona. "

Bouffier asked for patience with the vaccinations: "Even if we only have small amounts of the vaccination doses so far, this will improve little by little."

It is crucial that as many people as possible are vaccinated “so that we can always return to our normal life”.

In his address, Bouffier thanked all volunteers as well as the medical profession, emergency services and nursing staff, “who take care of our health around the clock”.


The Prime Minister also recalled the racially motivated attack in Hanau with nine dead on February 19 and the car attack in Volkmarsen on Shrove Monday, in which dozen people were injured.

Both acts would have shaken the whole country.