Teller Report

A year crushed by corona,'egoism' revealed when it was hard

12/31/2020, 11:49:25 PM

The first patient of Corona 19 was reported in China on the last day of last year, just a year ago. The epidemic, which was unfamiliar with its name, has spread rapidly throughout the world since that day.

<Anchor> The

first patient of Corona 19 was reported in China on the last day of last year, just a year ago.

The epidemic, which was also unfamiliar with its name, has spread rapidly throughout the world since that day.

Over the past year, more than 60,000 people have been infected in Korea alone, of which more than half are patients who came out after the middle of last month.

Until now, nearly 60 percent of domestic confirmed cases came from the metropolitan area, but Daegu was the place with the largest number of confirmed cases compared to the local population.

This is because there were many patients in Daegu and Gyeongbuk, mainly at Shincheonji Church at the beginning of this year.

In addition, 900 people have died of corona in Korea so far, especially in nursing facilities.

One out of three people who died came from nursing homes and nursing homes.

In this way, Corona 19 has devoured Korea and the whole world.

Reporter Kim Kyung-hee looked back at this year when humanity was endlessly helpless in front of the virus.

<Reporter> At

first, it was called pneumonia of unknown cause and Wuhan pneumonia.

After 9 days of reporting the first patient, China has only released an announcement that it is a novel coronavirus, excluding key information.

Since there is no transmission from person to person, the virus spread rapidly from person to person around the world.

In the hyper-connected era, governments have hurried across the border and locked it, but the virus was one step faster.

[Governor Yeosus/WHO Secretary General (Last March 12): We evaluated that Corona 19 can be defined as a'pandemic', that is, a global pandemic.]

The diagnosis and prescription were too late.

More than 1,000 deaths per day in each European country.

Spring passed with sighs that there was no more place to bury the body.

[Trump/US President: In theory, if the weather gets warmer, (coronavirus) will magically disappear.] As

if laughed at President Trump's rant, the virus remained alive in summer.

Rather, there are places where there is a second epidemic due to the holiday movement.

As the cold wind blew, the number of infections exploded, and European countries took out containment cards again.

Conflicts occurred in various places over the values ​​of'national quarantine' and'individual freedom' that cannot be easily combined, and ideology was overlaid on the mask, so that no country had to experience confusion.

The war on Corona 19 has entered a new phase with the advent of vaccines.

Again, with the sweeping of vaccines from advanced countries, the naked face of the country's egoism was revealed.

Viruses are not the only homework that countries around the world have to solve in the new year, even to the problem of alienation of members of society, deepened by distance from economic polarization.

(Video editing: Jeon Min-gyu)  

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