Teller Report

2020 has gone by an eventful year ... a referendum that allows Putin to stay in power until 2036

12/31/2020, 10:08:57 PM

The year 2020 celebrated events that changed the world forever, and became history, starting with the first spread of the deadly Corona virus in Wuhan, China, through the protests in Belarus, and ending with the defeat of the US President, Donald Trump, and the cyber attack on the United States, such as

2020 events .. 1 July

2020 has gone by an eventful year ... a referendum that allows Putin to stay in power until 2036

Putin cast his vote in the referendum.


The year 2020 celebrated events that changed the world forever and became history, starting with the first spread of the deadly Corona virus in Wuhan, China, through the protests in Belarus, and ending with the defeat of the US President, Donald Trump, and the cyber attack on the United States, all of these stations It was a milestone in this year, and in what follows we monitor the most important facts of these events, as we look to a new year:

On July 1, 2020, Russian voters largely supported a referendum calling for constitutional changes that included an article allowing President Vladimir Putin to remain in power until 2036. Almost all of the votes showed, upon being counted, that the result of the ballot, which lasted for a whole week, It appears that 78% of voters said "yes" to the constitutional changes, according to what was reported by the Central Elections Commission in Russia.

The committee estimated that the turnout was about 65% of eligible voters.

But the opposition accused the government of rigging the referendum.

According to the constitution, Putin was supposed to cede power when his six-year term ends in 2024. However, the new constitutional amendments had been passed several weeks before the elections through the Russian parliament, but Putin felt that voters must accept them to grant this change. A kind of legitimacy, and the referendum was originally scheduled to take place on April 22, but it was postponed as a result of the Corona pandemic, and Russia was among the countries that suffered major infections with the virus.

In addition to allowing Putin to remain in power for two more presidential terms, the referendum includes 200 other amendments, including guaranteeing a minimum retirement salary, a ban on same-sex marriage, affirming that the Russian people believe in God, as well as amendments to strengthen the Russian State Council, and another law requiring non-abandonment About any piece of Russian territory, a move aimed at strengthening Moscow's grip on the Crimean peninsula, which was under Ukrainian control until Russia annexed it to its territory in 2014. Putin was photographed voting in the Royal Academy of Sciences, where a referendum employee was wearing a muzzle On his face as a precaution against infection with the Coronavirus, but Putin, in return, did not wear any muzzle.

And the Putin government resigned last January, including the prime minister, Dmitry Medvedev, in a move that reflects constitutional changes. The Russian president had ruled Russia for two terms, but he became prime minister after that for one term, while Medvedev became president.

It is said that even when Putin was prime minister, he was seen as holding complete control of the presidency during his time as prime minister.

To view the events of July 1, 2020,

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