Teller Report

Bum-gye Park and Jin-wook Kim were appointed as'a former judge'... A major reorganization of the capital city

12/30/2020, 11:00:11 PM

President Moon Jae-in appoints Kim Jin-wook, a former judge, as a senior researcher at the Constitutional Court as the first head of the Airlift. In addition, the resignation of Justice Minister Chu Mi-ae was accepted, and Democratic Party lawmaker Park Beom-gye, who was also a judge, was appointed to succeed.


President Moon Jae-in appoints Kim Jin-wook, former judge, senior researcher at the Constitutional Court as the first head of the airlift.

In addition, the resignation of Justice Minister Chu Mi-ae was accepted, and Democratic Party lawmaker Park Beom-gye, who was also a judge, was appointed to succeed.

At the Blue House, yesterday (30th), Secretary General Roh Young-min and Policy Officer Kim Sang-jo expressed their appreciation, and it seems that today's greetings to the successor will be announced.

Reporter Jung Kyung-yoon reports.


President Moon Jae-in appointed Kim Jin-wook, senior researcher at the Constitutional Court as the first head of the airlift.

Among the two candidates recommended by the National Assembly, he chose Researcher Kim, a former judge, instead of Geon-ri Lee, vice chairman of the National Rights Commission, who was a prosecutor.

[Kim Jin-wook / Airborne Minister Nominee: I am well aware of the expectations and worries of the people of the public for the launch of the Airborne Division.

Although I am a lacking person, I will do my best to prepare for the personnel hearing.] The

Blue House said, "

I expect

Kim Naejeongja to protect the neutrality of the airlift and investigate corruption in power without sanctuary.

President Moon also reorganized three ministries, including replacing Justice Minister Chu Mi-ae, who resigned.

The new Justice Minister Park Beom-gye, the Democratic Party's 3rd elected judge, was appointed.

[Park Bum-gye/Justice Minister Nominee: We will listen to the voices of the people and accomplish the reform of the prosecution.] For the

Minister of Environment, the 3rd Democratic Party member Han Jeong-ae, a former labor activist, and the Minister of National Veterans Affairs, are former naval chief of staff Hwang Ki-cheol, who is called the hero of the Adenman operation. Has been proposed.

President Roh Young-min, head of policy office Kim Sang-jo, and chief executive of Kim Jong-ho, Min Jeong-ho, expressed their appreciation to President Moon.

[Man-ho Jeong/Cheongwadae Senior Citizen Communication: President Moon Jae-in expressed his gratitude in the sense that he wished to relieve the burden on the administration of the state administration and to use it as an opportunity to renew the state administration.]

Former Secretary of Science, Technology and Information Minister Yoo Young-min, the head of the Policy Office There is also a discussion about the appointment of Lee Ho-seung, chief economic officer of the Blue House, as well as the influential head of the Office of State Affairs Coordination.

Shin Hyun-soo, former chief of the National Intelligence Service, is influential in the head of civil affairs.

The Blue House is expected to announce a replacement greeting today.