Teller Report

Reul: More police officers than last year on New Year's Eve

12/29/2020, 11:55:36 AM

display Düsseldorf (dpa / lnw) - In North Rhine-Westphalia, according to Interior Minister Herbert Reul (CDU), slightly more police officers are on duty on New Year's Eve than a year ago. At the turn of the year, more than 4,800 police officers would ensure security, said Reul on Tuesday in Düsseldorf. Some of the forces would be distributed to “tactical locations” in the country and could be req


Düsseldorf (dpa / lnw) - In North Rhine-Westphalia, according to Interior Minister Herbert Reul (CDU), slightly more police officers are on duty on New Year's Eve than a year ago.

At the turn of the year, more than 4,800 police officers would ensure security, said Reul on Tuesday in Düsseldorf.

Some of the forces would be distributed to “tactical locations” in the country and could be requested by the authorities if necessary.

This offers the opportunity for the police to «react effectively to rapid developments in the situation», said the minister.

Basically, it is very difficult to prepare for New Year's Eve in times of Corona.

"It is extremely difficult for the security authorities to predict how people will behave," emphasized Reul.

With a view to the experiences with the carnival start on 11.11.

or Halloween he expressed himself optimistically: "Most of the people were very sensible."

Because of the strict Corona restrictions, North Rhine-Westphalia is largely without celebrations and firecrackers before the turn of the year.

While the protection regulations were relaxed somewhat at Christmas, the rules are stricter again at the turn of the year - and also differ from municipality to municipality.

The ordinance of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia stipulates that only five people from a maximum of two households may meet in private meetings in public spaces.

Children under the age of 14 are not counted.

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