Teller Report

Tell us about your best memories of the great actor Claude Brasseur

12/22/2020, 4:04:15 PM

Rewarded by two Caesars, the prolific actor died this Tuesday at the age of 84 Claude Brasseur, in the series "Franck Keller", in 2003 - TF1-RONCEN / SIPA The party is over. The immense actor Claude Brasseur died on Tuesday, December 22, at the age of 84. He joined in the skies Jean Rochefort, Guy Bedos, Victor Lanoux and Danièle Delorme, his accomplices from the film We will all go to paradise . In more than 60 years of career, the actor appeared in more than 110 films, num

Claude Brasseur, in the series "Franck Keller", in 2003 -


The party is over.

The immense actor Claude Brasseur died on Tuesday, December 22, at the age of 84.

He joined in the skies Jean Rochefort, Guy Bedos, Victor Lanoux and Danièle Delorme, his accomplices from the film

We will all go to paradise


In more than 60 years of career, the actor appeared in more than 110 films, numerous plays and television series.

Crowned with the César for best actor in a supporting role in 1977 for 

An elephant that deceives enormously 

then that of best actor for his role in 

The War of the Police.

 Coming from a dynasty of comedians and actors, son of Pierre Brasseur and Odette joyeux, he has toured alongside greats such as Jean-Paul Belmondo in 

Les Distractions

, Romy Schneider in

Une Histoire simple

and also for the illustrious directors Jean-Luc Godard (

Bande à part



), or François Truffaut (

A beautiful girl like me


Star of two generations, he was also the father of Sophie Marceau in 

La Boum.

The youngest will remember his role as a grumpy old camper in the


comedy series 


What are your best memories of Claude Brasseur?

In what roles has he marked you?

What movies and series do you love with him?

Did you see him play in a room?

If yes which one ?

Tell us what inspires you this immense actor and comedian.

Your testimonials will be used to write an article in his homage.

Thank you in advance.


Claude Brasseur, popular and versatile actor, is dead


"An elephant ...", "Camping", "La Boum": Claude Brasseur in five cult roles

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