Teller Report

Claude Brasseur in five cult roles

12/22/2020, 3:45:43 PM

Claude Brasseur died on Tuesday, at the age of 87 Claude Brasseur in “La Boum”. - Gaumont International production Claude Brasseur died on Tuesday, at the age of 87. The actor has appeared in more than a hundred films. Among his most striking roles are those of "Un éléphant ça trompe enormously", "Les Nouvelles Aventures de Vidocq" or "La Boum". His inimitable, rugged voice died away. Actor Claude Brasseur died on Tuesday at the age of 84. The wo

Claude Brasseur in “La Boum”.


Gaumont International production

  • Claude Brasseur died on Tuesday, at the age of 87.

  • The actor has appeared in more than a hundred films.

  • Among his most striking roles are those of "Un éléphant ça trompe enormously", "Les Nouvelles Aventures de Vidocq" or "La Boum".

His inimitable, rugged voice died away.

Actor Claude Brasseur died on Tuesday at the age of 84.

The world of cinema mourns one of its great figures who has filmed for the cameras of the greatest: Carné, Franju, Renoir, Godard, Lautner, Pinoteau, Truffaut, Téchiné, Sautet, Breillat, Berri, Blier, Cabrera, de Broca.

Through more than 100 films, 7 series, a long career on the boards and 2 Césars, he distinguished himself in classic roles such as Dom Juan, dramas such as

A simple story

by Claude Sautet, the great popular comedies such as

Le Diner de cons

by Francis Veber and arthouse cinema such as


by Jean-Luc Godard.

Difficult to retain only five roles, but here are those which, for one reason or another, marked turning points in the career of Claude Brasseur.

François Vidocq in "The New Adventures of Vidocq"

If Claude Brasseur made his debut in the theater, he was going to offer him his first major roles in television: Rouletabille in

Le Mystère de la chambre jaune

by Jean Kerchbron, Sganarelle in

Dom Juan

ou le

Festin de pierre

by Marcel Bluwal in 1965, and especially François Vidocq in the crime series

Les Nouvelles Aventures de Vidocq

, where he replaces Bernard Noël, the protagonist of the first in the 1960s. The adventures of this former convict who became a police officer at the beginning of the 19th century, broadcast from 1971 to 1973 on the first ORTF channel, brought Claude Brasseur immense popularity.

Daniel in "An elephant that deceives a lot" and "We will all go to paradise"

His agent had initially advised him not to accept this role, but he insists, placing a condition: "I said straight away that I didn't want to make Daniel a crazy twisted!"


In 1976, Claude Brasseur gave the reply to Jean Rochefort, Guy Bedos and Victor Lanoux and joined the band of friends of the cult film by Yves Robert,

Un éléphant ça trompe enormously


He will play Daniel, a homosexual who cannot console himself with a lost love.

This role earned him recognition from his peers and the César for best actor in a supporting role.

His interpretation, far from that of caricatured homosexuals of the time, earned him congratulations from an association in San Francisco.

He will reprise the role in the sequel to this popular hit,

We All Go To Heaven


François Beretton in "La Boum" and "La boum 2"

Claude Brasseur already had two Caesars when he agreed to play François Beretton, Vic's father in

La Boum

by Claude Pinoteau in 1980. In this other huge popular success which reveals Sophie Marceau, he plays a dental surgeon who cheats on his wife, before biting his fingers.

With Brigitte Fossey, he formed one of the most emblematic couples of parents in French cinema… He returned to François Beretton's raincoat two years later in his suite.

Joseph Fouché in "Le Souper"

This is a role he first played in the theater in Jean-Claude Brisville's successful play, then in the cinema in Edouard Molinaro's film.

These are two duels at the top: the one on stage and on the screen of two great actors, Claude Rich and Claude Brasseur, the fictional one, of two great characters in the history of France, during a


in 1815, shortly after the defeat of Waterloo, between Tallerand (Claude Rich) and defender of the monarchy, and Fouché (Claude Brasseur), supporter of Napoleon II.

An imaginary meeting to discuss the future of France.

"Camping" and its two suites

It is thanks to this trilogy that he became known to the younger generation.



(2006) and its two suites in 2009 and 2016 by Fabien Onteniente, Claude Brasseur shares the poster with Franck Dubosc, Gérard Lanvin, Mathilde Seignier, Antoine Duléry, Claude Brasseur, Mylène Demongeot, Richard Anconina, Gérard Jugnot, and Michèle Laroque, and Jacky Pic camp, retiree, lives in Melun, a regular campsite for thirty years, "subscriber" to site 17.


Claude Brasseur, popular and versatile actor, is dead



Who was Vidocq, the character played by Vincent Cassel in "The Emperor of Paris"?

  • Cinema

  • Sophie Marceau