Teller Report

European countries, one after another, to the UK spreading'variant corona'

12/20/2020, 9:44:09 PM

Europe is in turmoil over the corona 19 strain virus problem that is now spreading in the UK. Neighboring countries are locking in the UK, such as Germany and Italy banning flights from the UK.


Europe is currently in turmoil over the corona 19 variant virus problem spreading in the UK.

Neighboring countries are locking in the UK, such as Germany and Italy banning flights from the UK.

Reporter Jeon Byungnam on the report.

<Reporter> As the

coronavirus strain, which is 70% more contagious than the existing Corona 19 virus, spreads rapidly in the UK, European countries are taking measures to restrict travel one after another.

The Netherlands, Italy and Germany have repeatedly announced bans on entry to flights from the UK.

[Hugo de Jong/Dutch Minister of Health: We have decided on a ban on flying in the UK and are considering other precautions to halt the spread of the virus variant

from the UK


It has decided to ban the operation, and the French government also announced that it will suspend all travel from the UK, including roads, air, sea, and rail, for 48 hours.

The European Union and the EU have convened an emergency meeting to discuss joint responses.

Earlier, the British government imposed an emergency containment action when 60% of the new confirmed cases in London showed strong transmission powers that were infected with the virus.

[Boris Johnson/British Prime Minister: I think it's dangerous when looking at the evidence of a variant virus.

The heart is heavy.

The existing Christmas period response steps were no longer possible.]

Israel, a non-European country, will also block the entry of foreigners who have passed through the UK.