Teller Report

What is the situation at Toulouse University Hospital on the eve of the holidays?

12/17/2020, 4:34:28 PM

On the eve of the holidays, there are around a hundred Covid-19 patients hospitalized at the Toulouse University Hospital, twice as many as at the time of the first deconfinement

In the intensive care unit of the Purpan University Hospital in Toulouse.



F. Scheiber - Sipa

This Thursday, on the eve of the Christmas holidays, 90 Covid patients were hospitalized at the Toulouse University Hospital, including around thirty in critical care.

"There was a slight drop at the start of the week but we have been circling around a plateau of around a hundred patients since the beginning of December after a significant drop due to the effects of confinement during the last two weeks of November", explains the infectious disease specialist Muriel Alvarez.

It also underlines that if this level does not decrease any more or little, it is “twice higher” than that of the moment of the first deconfinement.

Should we be worried?

The specialist, visibly relieved to know that New Year's Eve will be confined, is not there.

“The first deconfinement was total.

There is the curfew and I have the impression through the questions we are asked that people intend to be cautious, ”she says optimistically.

However, she believes "not impossible that there is a rise in cases after the holidays".

Always the same profiles

At the CHU, the test positivity rate now fluctuates between 6 and 7%, within the French average and slightly above the regional average.

What does not change is the profile of hospitalized patients: elderly people with co-morbidities, often men, often obese.

Our live coronavirus

Muriel Alvarez recalls that the "virus is still there" and that "we do not yet have the vaccine".

Hence the need "to apply barrier measures, in particular near the most vulnerable"


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