Teller Report

More young people and children, this is the profile of those admitted to the second wave

12/17/2020, 3:05:24 PM

The first pandemic wave took place in confinement and perhaps the arrival of summer, although the effect of heat and sunlight on SARS-CoV-2 is still debated, its dike d




Updated on Thursday, 17 December 2020 - 15:48

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    Latest news on the coronavirus in Spain

  • Health.

    One in 10 Spaniards has been infected with Covid 19 according to the seroprevalence study of the Carlos III Health Institute

The first pandemic wave had in confinement and perhaps the arrival of summer, although the effect of heat and solar rays on SARS-CoV-2 is still being discussed, its containment dam.

However, as some had already predicted, a hasty opening, the relaxation of protective measures and the arrival of autumn would bring a second wave.

The genetic evolution of the coronavirus was another factor that could modify the course of the pandemic. Have clinical differences been seen between

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