Teller Report

Lower Saxony: man falls at the level crossing, nobody helps him

12/17/2020, 2:24:14 PM

A 58-year-old man fell in Lower Saxony at a level crossing between the barrier and the track bed. First rescue workers helped him, the three spectators had quietly left.


After a man fell at a railroad crossing, the police looked for passers-by who did not help the man out of the life-threatening situation.

The 58-year-old was hit in the head on Wednesday in Willich on the Lower Rhine by a lowering railway barrier and fell between the barrier and the track bed, as the police announced on Thursday.

He was still lying there when the alarmed ambulance crew arrived.

A man and two women also remained inactive when a train approached the level crossing and the train driver sounded acoustic warning signals.

The train narrowly missed the man.

While the rescue workers were pulling the 58-year-old out of the danger zone and helping him, the three passers-by quietly made off.

The 58-year-old was cared for in a hospital, but was able to leave it again after treatment.

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