Teller Report

Pharmacies distribute free FFP2 masks for risk groups

12/15/2020, 11:45:51 AM

display Berlin (dpa / bb) - The distribution of free FFP2 masks for certain groups has started in the Berlin pharmacies. In the morning there were queues in front of some pharmacies. "Sometimes the rush was great," said Stefan Schmidt, spokesman for the Berlin Pharmacists Association on Tuesday. Some pharmacies have set time windows for the issue of the masks. Schmidt recommended that those who s


Berlin (dpa / bb) - The distribution of free FFP2 masks for certain groups has started in the Berlin pharmacies.

In the morning there were queues in front of some pharmacies.

"Sometimes the rush was great," said Stefan Schmidt, spokesman for the Berlin Pharmacists Association on Tuesday.

Some pharmacies have set time windows for the issue of the masks.

Schmidt recommended that those who still have masks shouldn't go to the pharmacy right at the beginning, but rather wait.

This prevents queues from creating an additional risk of infection.

The time to pick up the free FFP2 masks is until January 6th.

People over 60 and people with certain chronic diseases, such as asthmatics, diabetics or stroke patients, can each get three masks in the pharmacy.

According to the Federal Ministry of Health, it is sufficient to present the identity card "or the comprehensible self-report about belonging to one of the risk groups".

Schmidt recommended contacting his main pharmacy, where the medical history was already known.

The pharmacists' association does not have an overview of how many elderly and risk patients there are in Berlin who are entitled to free FFP2 masks, said Schmidt.

Nationwide there are around 27 million.

The Federal Association of German Pharmacists' Associations (ABDA) warned on Monday of long queues at the dispensing.


In a second phase, the elderly and people with previous illnesses are to receive a further twelve masks from January 1st and receive coupons from the health insurance company for two six FFP2 masks each.

A co-payment of two euros for every six masks is planned.

FFP2 masks are particularly effective in filtering particles from inhaled or exhaled air, but they do not offer 100 percent protection.

The ABDA recommends adhering to the other rules, such as keeping your distance, washing your hands and regular ventilation.

Press release ABDA

Self-declaration protective masks

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