Teller Report

NY Stock Market Dow Jones Industrial Average Price Drops Due to Spread of New Corona Infection

12/14/2020, 9:54:18 PM

[NHK] The New York stock market at the beginning of the week is expected to spread the new coronavirus vaccine, but economic activity will be restricted again due to the spread of infection ...

The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell in the New York stock market at the beginning of the week due to expectations for the spread of the new coronavirus vaccine, but fears that the spread of the infection would once again limit economic activity.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed on the 14th at $ 29,861,55, down $ 184.82 from last weekend, below $ 30,000.

Inoculation of the new virus vaccine began in the United States, and the Dow Jones Industrial Average temporarily rose to a new high during the trading hours due to expectations for its widespread use, but then began to decline.

Concerns about the current economy have increased as measures have been taken to limit economic activity again in New York, the United Kingdom and Germany, and the death toll in the United States has exceeded 300,000.

On the other hand, the Nasdaq stock index, which has many IT-related stocks, rose slightly.

"It's a mix of optimism and pessimism," said a market source. "There was also a cautious move to determine the whereabouts of additional economic measures in the United States."

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