Teller Report

Pfizer plant begins shipping first batch of COVID-19 vaccine to U.S.

12/13/2020, 4:44:30 PM

From the plant of the American pharmaceutical corporation Pfizer in Kalamazoo, Michigan, trucks left with the first batch of the coronavirus infection COVID-19 vaccine, which will deliver it to 145 health departments and hospitals throughout the United States.

This was reported by The Wall Street Journal with reference to a Pfizer spokesman.

Trucks will deliver 500 thousand doses of coronavirus vaccine to medical institutions.

It is assumed that the vaccination of social and medical workers can start in the United States from Monday, December 14, if additional training of staff is not required.

It was previously reported that Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine will arrive at distribution centers in 636 US locations on December 14.

On December 12, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved a vaccine from Pfizer for emergency use.

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