Teller Report

Gastro, bronchiolitis ... Thanks to barrier gestures, viruses other than Covid on the decline

12/9/2020, 3:25:39 PM

In this complicated period in terms of health, there is still good news, a consequence of the application of barrier gestures in the face of Covid-19. Seasonal flu, bronchiolitis and gastroenteritis have almost disappeared, as Europe 1 found in a pediatrician who practices near Paris.

In this complicated period in terms of health, there is still good news, a consequence of the application of barrier gestures in the face of Covid-19.

Seasonal flu, bronchiolitis and gastroenteritis have almost disappeared, as Europe 1 found in a pediatrician who practices near Paris.


Is deconfinement threatened?

The subject was debated Wednesday morning during a defense council.

Prime Minister Jean Castex will say Thursday evening if he intends to question the date of December 15 and the reductions planned for the Christmas holidays.

Fortunately, maintaining Covid-19 this fall has some positive consequences.

Among them are the virtual disappearance of seasonal flu, bronchiolitis and gastroenteritis, while these viral diseases are very common at this time of year.

The consequence of barrier gestures applied by many French people. 

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Coronavirus: follow the evolution of the situation Wednesday, December 9

Fall in the number of bronchiolitis

In a pediatric practice visited by Europe 1, near Paris, the crowded waiting room is nothing but a bad memory.

This is not only because of the health protocol, but because parents especially now make appointments for growth monitoring or vaccine reminders.

"We actually have much less gastroenteritis", assures the pediatrician Rémy Assathiany, pediatrician in Issy-les-Moulineaux.

“Above all, we have virtually no bronchiolitis at all, whereas the other years we were in the midst of an epidemic with waiting rooms that were full of wheezing infants. barrier gestures, effective in avoiding all these viral diseases. "


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Adults also concerned

Less colds, gastroenteritis… The observation is also valid in adults.

Statistics also confirm this situation at the national level: according to Public Health France and the Sentinel network, last week there were 13 times fewer hospitalizations for bronchiolitis and half the number of cases of gastroenteritis compared to Last year.

The good news is that with wearing a mask and washing hands, this lull could last all winter and also concern the flu epidemic, of which we do not see any trace for the moment.