Teller Report

Talk show pioneer Geert Müller-Gerbes dies

11/23/2020, 5:32:18 PM

His career is closely linked to the private broadcaster RTL. Geert Müller-Gerbes has now died at the age of 83


Bonn (AP) - The journalist and talk show pioneer Geert Müller-Gerbes died in Bonn at the age of 83.

His sons Stefan and Hartmut Müller-Gerbes reported this to the German press agency on Monday.

Her father fell asleep peacefully with the family at home on Sunday.

Around ten years ago, he survived severe cancer and relapsed.

Geert Müller-Gerbes was born in Jena and grew up in the Harz Mountains.

He studied law, history and sociology.

From 1969 to 1974 he was press officer for Federal President Gustav Heinemann.

From 1976 he worked for Radio Luxemburg as Germany correspondent in Bonn.

From 1984 on he was chief correspondent for RTL radio and later for the then new private television broadcaster RTL plus.


From 1988 to 1992 Geert Müller-Gerbes was the host of the RTL program “Die Woche - People in Conversation”.

From 1992 to 1999 he hosted the award-winning RTL consumer program "How please ?!"

and became known with her nationwide.

The weekly Saturday evening show reached an average of 4.3 million viewers and a market share of almost 20 percent.

Müller-Gerbes gained the reputation of a committed lawyer for the common people and the "Süddeutsche Zeitung" called him the "avenger of the annoyed, the Robin Hood of RTL".

In another RTL series entitled “We fight for you”, which the broadcaster produced in cooperation with the churches, he described the fate of people who got into need through no fault of their own.

In 2000 he gave up the co-moderation of the WDR talk show and retired into private life.

Müller-Gerbes had been married to a patent attorney since 1962 and had four sons.

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