Teller Report

Sumo Wrestling November Place 9th day Takakeishō loses to Shosaru and is the first black star

11/16/2020, 10:11:15 AM

[NHK] Sumo Wrestling November was the 9th day, and Takakeishō Ozeki lost to Shosaru in the flat curtain and suffered the first black star, so he couldn't help but win.

Sumo Wrestling November Place 9th Day Takakeishō loses to Shosaru and the first black star November 16th 19:07

Sumo Wrestling November was the 9th day, and Takakeishō Ozeki lost to Shosaru in the flat curtain and suffered the first black star, and he couldn't help but win.

It is a victory or defeat after entering the middle.

▽ In the new opening of the Tenkukai on Mt. Akise, the Tenkukai won the match.

▽ Kotonowaka scoops up Kotonowaka to Hoshoryu.

▽ Kaisei is close to Ichinojo.

▽ Shimanoumi over Toyoyama, Shimanoumi won by sending out, and decided to win on the 9th day, which is the earliest.

▽ Chiyotairyu sticks out in the sea of ​​Sada.

▽ In Chiyo no Kuni over Tokushoryu, Chiyo no Kuni won by sticking out and won the seventh victory.

▽ Chiyoshoma is a good thrower for Terutsuyoshi.

▽ Enho Akira over Aoiyama, Enho Akira won by a close margin and named the first white star of the place now.

▽ Endo pushes down Endo to Akio.

▽ Ryuden scoops up Ryuden in Tochinoshin.

▽ Tamawashi is pushed out by Kotoeko.

▽ In the sea of ​​Okinoumi to Takarafuji, Takarafuji defended 1 loss by pushing down and decided to win.

▽ Hokutofuji is pushed out by Hokutofuji.

▽ Daieishō Hayato Wakatakakage is pushed out by Daieishō.

▽ Abu Saki is pushed out to Kiribayama.

▽ Takayasu won over Terunofuji by sending out the best of Koyasu.

On the other hand, Terunofuji lost two games in a row.

▽ Shin Sekiwake Takanosho wins over Kotoshoho, Kotoshoho pushes it down.

▽ Sekiwake Myogiryu is close to Mitakeumi.

▽ Takakeishō Ozeki Tobizaru Masaya won by slamming.

As for Takakeishō, the consecutive wins from the first day stopped at 8.

In November, after the 9th day, there was no choice but to win, and with 1 loss, Takakeishō Ozeki, Takarafuji of the flat curtain, and Shimanoumi lined up.

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