Teller Report

Gansu: "Centralized Supervision" of Imported Cold Chain Foods Need to be reported 24 hours before arrival

11/16/2020, 1:35:38 AM, Lanzhou, November 16 (Shi Jingjing) On the 15th, multiple departments in Gansu held a meeting to formulate and issue the "Emergency Notice on Further Strengthening the Prevention and Control of Imported Cold Chain Food Epidemics" (hereinafter referred to as the notice) to strengthen imports Cold chain food control, blocking the spread of the epidemic.   On the 13th, the Lanzhou C, Lanzhou, November 16 (Shi Jingjing) On the 15th, multiple departments in Gansu held a meeting to formulate and issue the "Emergency Notice on Further Strengthening the Prevention and Control of Imported Cold Chain Food Epidemics" (hereinafter referred to as the notice) to strengthen imports Cold chain food control, blocking the spread of the epidemic.

  On the 13th, the Lanzhou City Disease Control Department tested positive for the new coronavirus nucleic acid on a local cold chain food package, and 32 close contacts have been quarantined.

In order to effectively prevent the spread of the new crown epidemic in autumn and winter through imported cold chain food, the Gansu Provincial Market Supervision Bureau, the Provincial Department of Commerce, the Provincial Health Commission, the Provincial Department of Transportation, the Provincial Department of Public Security, and the Lanzhou Customs jointly held a meeting to treat imported cold-chain food Management and related units and practitioners proposed 9 specific measures.

  The notice requires that the commercial departments of Gansu county (city area) establish an "imported cold chain food supervision warehouse" (hereinafter referred to as the general warehouse) according to the actual needs of each region. All cold chain food imported into Gansu must enter the designated warehouse.

  The notice emphasized that the main warehouse can only store imported cold chain foods, and must not be mixed with other foods.

Market supervision departments at all levels should urge operators to strictly implement the system for requesting certificates and invoices and purchase inspections, and inspect the "New Coronavirus Nucleic Acid Test Qualification Certificate" and the certificate of disinfection of imported cold chain food products. Those who cannot provide relevant certification materials shall not be allowed Put it into the total warehouse.

  The notice also requires that the supervision of vehicles and personnel transporting cold-chain food should be strengthened. Those who cannot provide certification materials related to sterilization and food shall not be allowed to undertake cargo transportation.

The general warehouse manager registers the itinerary and health status of new employees and reworkers within 14 days. Each shift employee must implement prevention and control measures such as registration, temperature measurement, disinfection, and health code inspection.

  In order to strictly supervise the logistics and transportation, drivers and attendants are not allowed to open the box without authorization, and are not allowed to open cold chain food packaging directly to contact cold chain food during transportation.

When transporting imported cold-chain food, the transport vehicle shall not transport other items in the same vehicle. The inside and outside of the vehicle compartment must be thoroughly disinfected before loading and after unloading the cold-chain food.

  The Gansu Provincial Market Supervision Bureau stated that supervisory departments at all levels should increase law enforcement inspections, and conduct full-coverage, pull-net, seamless, and uninterrupted law enforcement inspections on refrigerated storage enterprises and food producers and operators’ self-contained cold storage. Any storage, purchase, sale and use of imported cold chain foods that do not comply with relevant regulations shall be removed from the shelves for storage, decisively investigated and punished, and resolutely prevented from entering the market.

  At the same time, imported cold chain food producers and operators fully use the "Gansu Food Safety Information Platform" to truthfully fill in and upload imported cold chain food varieties, specifications, batches, quantities, origins, entry cargo inspection and quarantine certificates, and new coronavirus nucleic acid test qualification reports. For other information, ask for the "e-ticket pass" (food purchase and sale voucher) and display the "e-ticket pass" at the sales place. Those who cannot provide the "e-ticket pass" are not allowed to purchase, sell and use their products.

  In addition, in accordance with the principle of "first inspection, batch coverage, and sampling inspection", the imported cold chain food and its packaging that enter the central warehouse under centralized supervision shall be tested for new coronavirus nucleic acid. The sampling test shall be extended to individual products as much as possible to ensure " Examine all inspections".

  The notice also stated that from now on, all units and individuals that purchase imported cold chain food from Gansu Province must report to the destination county-level market supervision department 24 hours before the food is expected to arrive.

The filing content includes the name of the producer (name), the name of the food, and customs declaration information.

Each county-level market supervision department discloses to the public the contact information such as telephone, fax, and email address of the department through the department website and other media.
