Teller Report

Jiménez Losantos presents 'It's the morning' hooded with two masks: "The ETA at the head of the PGE"

11/12/2020, 5:11:52 PM

The journalist Federico Jiménez Losantos presented this Thursday the program of It's the morning hooded with two masks. One covered her face and the other her nose and mouth. L

The journalist Federico Jiménez Losantos presented this Thursday the program of It's the morning hooded with two masks.

One covered her face and the other her nose and mouth.

The first had two holes at eye level.

"This is how the Government should have presented the budgets," he

said in the editorial referring to the pact with Bildu of the coalition Executive to carry out the PGE.

"As the Budgets that they presented were from the ETA members and the communists should have done it that way", and the second mask has been placed at eye level.

"Hooded. Because that is reality and those who do not want to see it because they are afraid that they will not see it but it is what they are,

" the




In the official account of the program on Twitter they have shared some photos.

The image is reminiscent of the staging of the communiqués of the terrorist gang.

It was common to see ETA members go to the camera with their faces covered to avoid being recognized.

"The ETA at the head of the PGE.

This is how this Government presents the budgets of all Spaniards

: with the heirs of the ETA", the official Twitter account of the program has written a tweet that already has 1,500 retweets.

Federico and his radio show have been trending on Twitter.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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