Teller Report

"When I tested positive I thought 'I wish they gave me the vaccine and not the placebo'"

11/12/2020, 2:51:03 PM

They were having dinner when the bomb was dropped. She only asked him one question: What's the worst that can happen to you? And he didn't want to lie: "I can die." At the scream of a madman his wife gets up




Thursday, 12 November 2020 - 15:41

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They were having dinner when the bomb was dropped.

She only asked him one question: What's the worst that can happen to you?

And he didn't want to lie: "I can die."

At the scream of a madman, his wife got up from the table and stopped talking to him for three days.

But Joan Pons did not change his mind: he

would volunteer to test the vaccine against Covid-19 that the University of Oxford and the AstraZeneca company are developing

, the great promise that Spain trusts, which has already pledged to buy 31 million

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