Teller Report

"In France, one in four deaths is currently due to Covid-19", assures Castex

11/12/2020, 5:18:14 PM

Thursday, during a press conference dedicated to the fight against the coronavirus epidemic, Prime Minister Jean Castex assured that currently "one in four deaths" was due to Covid-19. & nbsp;

On Thursday, during a press conference dedicated to the fight against the coronavirus epidemic, Prime Minister Jean Castex assured that currently "one in four deaths" was due to Covid-19. 

During a press conference devoted to the fight against the coronavirus epidemic and to a first assessment of the confinement, Jean Castex assured that currently "one in four deaths" was due to Covid-19. 

"The pressure on our hospital system has greatly increased and puts our caregivers in an extreme situation. The challenge is to face it," he explained. "We have been counting in recent days a hospitalization every 30 seconds and an admission to intensive care unit every three minutes. 40% of people admitted to intensive care are under 65 years old," he said.