Teller Report

"Stabilization at a certain level did not happen": 20,498 new cases of coronavirus detected in Russia

11/8/2020, 10:38:37 AM

Over the past day, 20,498 new cases of coronavirus infection have been confirmed in Russia. Since the beginning of the epidemic, 1,774,334 cases of COVID-19 have been recorded in the country. 1,324,419 people recovered (74.64%), 30,537 patients (1.72%) died. Most of all new cases were detected in Moscow (5751), but the most noticeable negative dynamics was in St. Petersburg, where over the last week the number of COVID-19 cases recorded on a daily basis increased by one and a half times. A delegation of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation has been sent to the city. Meanwhile, the department has published a new order that regulates the treatment of coronavirus infection on an outpatient basis.

Over the past day in Russia, the diagnosis of COVID-19 was confirmed in 20,498 people.

For the third day in a row, more than 20 thousand new cases of coronavirus infection have been recorded in the country (20 396 and 20 582 cases were registered in the two days preceding this).

Since the beginning of the epidemic in the Russian Federation, 1,774,334 episodes of COVID-19 have been identified, during this time 1,324,419 people (74.64%) have recovered, including 11,492 in the last day.

30,537 patients (1.72%) died of complications that developed against the background of coronavirus and concomitant diseases.

286 deaths were recorded per day.

According to Rospotrebnadzor, more than 64.6 million laboratory tests for coronavirus infection have been carried out in the country, 420,840 people remain under medical supervision.

Most of all new cases of COVID-19 over the past day were recorded in Moscow - 5751. More than 300 cases were also detected in St. Petersburg (1331), Moscow (644), Nizhny Novgorod (429) and Arkhangelsk (350) regions, as well as in the Krasnoyarsk Territory (326), Rostov (312) and Voronezh (305) regions.

In the northern capital, the number of confirmed cases of coronavirus has been growing since October 26, and over the past week, the daily recorded number of COVID-19 episodes has grown by one and a half times.

In this regard, since November 9, food courts and children's playrooms in the shopping center have been suspended in St. Petersburg, a restriction has been introduced on holding mass events of more than 70 people in buildings, diseases, as well as at least 30% of workers in other categories.

On behalf of the Minister of Health Mikhail Murashko, representatives of the department's leadership will arrive in St. Petersburg "to provide organizational and methodological support to the city authorities."

In turn, the capital's headquarters reported that over the past day, 1,175 patients with coronavirus were hospitalized.

It is specified that 354 people are on mechanical ventilation in Moscow hospitals.

Against this background, the mayor of the city, Sergei Sobyanin, in an interview with the Russia 1 TV channel stated that the situation with the spread of coronavirus in the capital has not yet stabilized.

At the same time, he explained the need to extend distance learning for middle and high school students.

“We need, of course, measures for distance education of schoolchildren, because we see that stabilization at a certain level has not happened, that the dynamics of covid is growing again,” the mayor said.

Recall that students in grades 6-11 in Moscow schools were transferred to distance learning from October 19.

Last week, the operation of this regime was extended until November 22, noting that the authorities will try "to do everything so that distance learning does not lead to a deterioration in the quality of education."

Sobyanin stressed that the authorities do not intend to impose harsh restrictions, since the capital's healthcare system is coping with the load.

Earlier, the mayor has repeatedly noted that the city authorities have no plans to introduce a lockdown.

At the same time, the mayor said that during the pandemic, the budget of Moscow suffered a “huge blow”: “We will take over the next year and the next.

Over the three years of borrowing, the draft budget has delivered over 700 billion rubles. "

In turn, the Governor of the Moscow Region, Andrei Vorobyov, called the situation with COVID-19 in the region "very difficult".

“We are looking for doctors, we are looking for nurses,” RIA Novosti quotes him.

Earlier, the authorities of the Moscow region extended until November 22 the ban on the presence of spectators at physical culture, sports, cultural and entertainment events, as well as a ban on visiting museums.

New rules from the Ministry of Health

According to the new order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, patients with a positive test for COVID-19 can be treated at home if they have a separate room and they undertake to comply with all doctor's orders.

The document amending the current regulation for the treatment of coronavirus on an outpatient basis came into force on November 8, writes the Parliamentary Gazette.

In turn, patients living in hostels and communal apartments, as well as in apartments together with elderly people or those with chronic diseases, will have to be sent to hospital for treatment.

In accordance with the previous procedure, patients were left for treatment at home if their condition did not require urgent hospitalization, but the living conditions were not taken into account.

The new document also prescribes the duty of doctors to inform the home patient that he should call doctors if he feels worse.

In addition, if a coronavirus patient does not live alone, then the doctor will have to tell the rest of the residents about the risks of the disease and the need to live in another room.

In addition, brochures with patient care rules and recommendations for protecting against infection will be issued to all residents.

Another duty of doctors is to tell lodgers about criminal liability for violation of sanitary and epidemiological rules.

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