Teller Report

See the voters' joy - and disappointment

11/7/2020, 11:14:48 PM

A new president has been announced in the United States. Across the country, people have now gathered in the streets and squares to express their joy - and their disappointment.

In cities across the United States, people have gathered to celebrate the announcement of Democrat Joe Biden as the next president of the United States.

- It's one of the greatest days in US history.

We really proved that democracy wins, says Biden supporter John in New York.

But at the same time, it is a statement that a large part of the American population does not agree with.

In the opposition camp, the mood is different - and people have instead gathered to express their dissatisfaction with the same election message.

"We saw a coup attempt in the United States, freedom being taken away," said a Trump supporter in Phoenix.

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- I think it is a bit early to announce a winner, says stockbroker and Trump voter James Wilson.

Photo: AP / Reuters

"Should not call this a choice"

Many who support Republican Donald Trump also believe that the election did not go right.

- There are many dubious things, they should not call this a choice.

There are dozens of lawsuits across the United States right now.

They should solve them, says Trump supporter Mark in Atlanta.