Teller Report

1 new case of asymptomatic infection imported from abroad in Tianjin

11/7/2020, 10:54:06 PM, November 7th. According to the official Weibo news of the Tianjin Municipal People’s Government Information Office, from 18:00 on November 6 to 18:00 on November 7, Tianjin has no new imported confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia, and a total of imported confirmed cases have been reported. 138 cases (117 cases of Chinese nationality, 3 cases of American nationality, 8 cases o, November 7th. According to the official Weibo news of the Tianjin Municipal People’s Government Information Office, from 18:00 on November 6 to 18:00 on November 7, Tianjin has no new imported confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia, and a total of imported confirmed cases have been reported. 138 cases (117 cases of Chinese nationality, 3 cases of American nationality, 8 cases of Filipino nationality, 2 cases of French nationality, 1 case of Uzbek nationality, 1 case of Russian nationality, 3 cases of Ukrainian nationality, 1 case of Kazakh nationality, and 2 cases of Venezuelan nationality) 129 cases were cured and discharged, and 9 cases were in hospital (including 2 cases of mild type and 7 cases of ordinary type).

  From 18:00 on November 6 to 18:00 on November 7, Tianjin City reported no new confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia.

A total of 137 confirmed cases of local new coronary pneumonia have been reported, including 74 males and 63 females; 134 were cured and discharged, and 3 died.

  There is 1 new case of asymptomatic infection in Tianjin (imported from abroad, Chinese nationality), and 87 cases (86 imported from abroad). Among them, 67 cases were released from medical observation, 10 cases were still under medical observation, and 10 cases were converted to confirmed cases.

  The 87th case of asymptomatic infection, male, 56 years old, Chinese nationality, recent residence in Gambia.

The patient transferred from Paris, France to a flight (AF202) and arrived at Tianjin Binhai International Airport on November 6. His body temperature was 36.2℃ upon entry, and he declared asymptomatic.

After customs quarantine inspection and sampling, they are transferred to the centralized isolation medical observation point in Jinghai District.

On the 7th, the nucleic acid test result of the new coronavirus in the customs laboratory was positive, which was transferred to Haihe Hospital by 120 ambulance.

After comprehensive analysis by the municipal expert group, it was determined as asymptomatic infection in Tianjin.

Continue treatment in Haihe Hospital.

Implement closed-loop management throughout.

  The 129th imported confirmed case, the 132nd imported confirmed case, and the 133rd imported confirmed case met the discharge standards. They were discharged from Haihe Hospital today and transferred to the centralized isolation medical observation point.

  The 74th case of asymptomatic infection and the 75th case of asymptomatic infection met the discharge standards. They were discharged from Haihe Hospital today and transferred to the centralized isolation medical observation point.

  Up to now, there are no existing suspected cases in the city, a total of 8,404 close contacts have been investigated, and 685 people are still under medical observation.