Teller Report

More than 23 thousand cases of coronavirus detected in Britain per day

11/6/2020, 5:38:35 PM

In the UK, the number of detected cases of COVID-19 per day increased by 23,287.This is evidenced by data published on the website of the British government. The total number of detected cases reached 1,146,484. Earlier, professor of virology at the Gamaleya Center Anatoly Altstein, in an interview with the NSN, recalled the risks of asymptomatic COVID-19.

This is evidenced by data published on the website of the British government.

The total number of detected cases reached 1,146,484.

Earlier, professor of virology at the Gamaleya Center Anatoly Altstein, in an interview with the NSN, recalled the risks of asymptomatic COVID-19.

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