Teller Report

Beijing Daxing Airport will use bird detection radar next year to prevent bird strikes

11/2/2020, 6:03:19 AM

  The scope of bird strike control at Daxing Airport is extended to 10-20 kilometers outside the airport; the bird defense experimental site continues to test the effectiveness of various bird repellent equipment   Daxing Airport will use bird detection radar next year to prevent bird strikes   In order to improve the bird strike prevention effect of the airport, the new bird detection radar tha

  The scope of bird strike control at Daxing Airport is extended to 10-20 kilometers outside the airport; the bird defense experimental site continues to test the effectiveness of various bird repellent equipment

  Daxing Airport will use bird detection radar next year to prevent bird strikes

  In order to improve the bird strike prevention effect of the airport, the new bird detection radar that will be launched at Daxing Airport next year can not only "see" the bird activity trajectory in advance, but also can perform activity analysis based on the bird trajectory to form a heat map. The habitat of the robin, and then to the periphery to intervene in its habitat.

  Beijing News reported that with the arrival of the active period of bird migration, preventing bird strikes has become the most difficult task for airport bird protection technicians.

At the end of September, Daxing Airport built a bird defense experimental site to continuously test the effectiveness of various bird repellent equipment and gradually improve the bird strike prevention effect of Daxing Airport.

A few days ago, a reporter from the Beijing News visited this experimental site on the spot.

  Bird activities over the airport become more frequent during the migration season

  "T5 and Z3, the crew reflects the bird corpse." On the afternoon of October 23, the intercom of Lan Xiang, a bird protection technician from the flight zone management department of Daxing Airport, suddenly rang.

Recently, with the arrival of the bird migration season, these "uninvited guests" over Daxing Airport have gradually increased.

Technicians must prevent birds from entering the flight area. Otherwise, once a bird hits an airplane, even a sparrow, it will cause damage to the airplane at a slight level, and a tragedy of plane destruction.

  When the walkie-talkie rang, Lan Xiang and his colleagues were patrolling the flight area to see if there were any birds moving above the airport.

After receiving the report that there was a bird carcass on the taxiway, he and his colleagues immediately turned the front of the car and drove toward the report position.

After Lan Xiang came to the intersection of the T5 taxiway and the Z3 taxiway, he saw a dead pigeon lying on the center line of the taxiway.

Lan Xiang and his colleagues put on masks and gloves, picked up the pigeon and sealed it up, and then treated it in a unified manner according to the procedure.

  That day, this was already the second incident related to bird strikes handled by Lan Xiang and his colleagues.

In the afternoon, a flight crew landed at Daxing Airport and reported that a bird strike was found on the fuselage of the aircraft.

Immediately, Lan Xiang and his colleagues rushed to the place where the plane was parked to deal with the unexpected situation.

  Daxing Airport built a bird defense experimental site

  Bird strike prevention has always been the top priority of major airports in aviation safety.

A document issued by the Civil Aviation Administration to airports across the country showed that in August and September last year alone, there were more than 70 unsafe incidents of bird strikes caused by ground support in North China. Some bird strikes also caused aircraft. Damage.

The Civil Aviation Administration used the “severe situation” to express this situation and made special deployments, requiring airports to attach great importance to bird strike prevention, fully aware of the significant impact of bird strikes on flight safety, especially the safety of aircraft during take-off and landing. Standards do a good job of bird strike prevention.

  In order to verify and improve the bird strike prevention effect of Daxing Airport, a brand new bird defense experimental site was unveiled in the airport flight area at the end of September.

The experimental site is located on the west side of a standby building in the flight area. The area is not very large, but there are many bird protection equipment, including bird repellent mechanical eagle, omnidirectional sonic bird repellent, insecticidal lamp, and self-developed solid Bird repellent releases and other equipment, as well as bird repellent wind wheels, bird nets and other traditional bird repellent facilities, and set up grass seed experimental fields.

  Guo Bin, the business manager of the bird strike prevention management module of the flight area management department, told the reporter that the reason why he chose this area to experiment with the bird repellent effect is that there are grass, open ditch, and dark ditch, which is a very representative area.

  ■ Extension

  New bird detection radar intervenes in bird habitats from the periphery

  How to prevent bird strikes at Daxing Airport, which has just been in operation for a year?

In the office area of ​​the bird strike prevention management module in the flight area of ​​Daxing Airport, a reporter from the Beijing News saw a special large screen with a large number of small moving boxes.

Guo Bin told reporters that each small box represents the trajectory of birds or bird flocks above the airport, and the "eyes" that find these birds are the bird radar.

  At present, Daxing Airport has installed a bird detection radar on a pilot basis at a fixed point. The technical teams of five manufacturers are using their own equipment to verify the bird strike prevention effect of the bird detection radar.

  Guo Bin explained that there is no intelligent detection method for bird strike prevention at Daxing Airport. Most bird repellent devices play sounds in a loop, and the birds will adapt over time, failing to achieve a good bird defense effect.

The biggest advantage of bird detection radar is that it can "see" the trajectory of birds in advance. "It is just like the eyes. Our staff can know the range of bird activities in advance through the "eyes", and then turn on the sonic bird repelling equipment in time. This kind of startling sound has a better effect on repelling birds and provides anticipation for scientific bird prevention."

  At the same time, the bird detection radar will perform activity analysis based on the trajectory of the birds to form a heat map, so that the staff can know the bird's habitat, and then intervene in its habitat outside to play a role in bird defense.

  Guo Bin said that according to the plan, after the verification of the bird-repelling effect of the bird detection radar is completed, it is expected that the new bird-defense equipment will be officially launched at Daxing Airport next year.

  Daxing Airport repels birds and establishes a four-zone prevention and control system

  Although the target of bird strike prevention and control is the threatening bird activities in the airport, almost all birds come from outside the airport. Therefore, the bird strike control range of Daxing Airport is extended to the area 10-20 kilometers outside the airport, and then according to different areas Adopt differentiated management and control methods to formulate security risk management plans.

Guo Bin said that at present, Daxing Airport has formed a four-zone prevention and control system: core area, responsibility area, ecological area and resettlement area.

  The core area is the area within 120 meters of the center line of the runway, which is also an important area for aircraft to take off and land. Protecting this area and preventing all birds from staying and moving can fundamentally solve the possibility of bird strikes.

  The area of ​​responsibility is located within the red line of the flight area. This area will be controlled by ecological management to control the habitat and food sources of birds and create an ecological environment that is not suitable for birds.

  The ecological zone is a 4 kilometers outside Daxing Airport. The prevention and control of this area is mainly led by the government. At the same time, Daxing Airport and related units have established a joint meeting system for air clearance to achieve ecological zone governance, such as selective planting, Organize greening, etc., here will also become a large environment not suitable for birds to inhabit and live.

  The resettlement area is located in the range of 10-20 kilometers from the airport. This area will be combined with the planning of the local government to create a living environment that attracts birds.

Guo Bin, for example, said that if migrating birds pass through this area in the air, they will find that there is water and food in the area, and the birds will inhabit this area, so they do not choose to go to the airport.

  ■ "Artifact" to repel birds

  Block Bird Net

  Judging from the layout of the entire experimental field, the size of the bird-blocking net is not small, which is also one of the most traditional ways of airport bird defense.

Guo Bin introduced that the experimental site mainly tested the spacing of the bird-blocking net and the material of the support rod.

Bird-blocking nets are divided into high nets and low nets. The height of the former is about 5 meters, and the height of low nets is about 2-3 meters. The high nets are generally arranged on the border of the flight area, and only the low nets can be used near the runway. , In some areas, the combination of high net and low net.

  At the bottom of a bird-blocking net, the reporter saw a device similar to a manual pulley. This small device is the result of independent research and development by the engineers of the bird strike prevention management module.

“It used to be very troublesome to change struts and nets. The efficiency was very low and it was difficult to change the nets.” Guo Bin said that after installing this device, the staff can raise or lower the nets by shaking the handle like raising and lowering the national flag. Very convenient.

  Grass Seed Experimental Field

  The experimental field has also opened up a small experimental field for grass seed experiments.

Guo Bin said that during the construction period of the airport, some grass seeds were planted, but none of them survived. Local weeds are still the mainstay in the airport.

The biggest problem with weeds is that they are easy to produce seeds. Grass seeds are the food source for birds. Therefore, to prevent birds from entering the airport, grass seed improvement is very important.

  Buffalo grass was planted in the experimental field. This grass does not set seeds, flowers, or attract insects, so it will not attract birds to inhabit and is suitable for planting at airports.

After planting buffalo grass in the experimental field, the staff only watered it once without excessive maintenance and treatment. The purpose is to test whether buffalo grass can compete with native weeds and replace it.

  Bird repellent slow release device

  The bird repellent slow-release device is a product independently developed by Daxing Airport.

From the appearance, it looks like a small umbrella divided into upper and lower layers. The top of the upper layer is equipped with a reflector, and the lower layer is a tray with two bird repellents, fuchsia and black, which exudes a special smell.

Guo Bin said that this smell will not affect the surrounding environment, but it will stimulate the sense of smell of birds, so that it is not close to the airport area, and the volatilization time is about two weeks.

The reflector on the upper layer of the slow release device can interfere with the vision of birds and play a role in repelling birds.

  Beijing News reporter Wu Tingting