Teller Report

The head of Mercadona warns against another stop: "There is a crisis for 2022. You have to breathe, but also eat"

10/21/2020, 11:25:15 AM

The serious economic consequences of a new stoppage to combat the pandemic are causing growing business concern. One of the voices that has been raised this Wednesday is the

The serious economic consequences of a new stoppage to combat the pandemic are causing growing business concern.

One of the voices was raised Wednesday is the significant of the president of Mercadona,

Juan Roig

, which, in contrast to the forecast of the government recovery from 2021, has warned that damage to the coronavirus is prolonged. "

Va to come an economic crisis in 2021 and 2022, "he

said, so he argues that" the longer it takes "to react and support the recovery, the worse it will be.

"What do we prefer? Breathe or eat? We have to do both. As you breathe a lot and do not eat, you will stop breathing. It is very important to maintain health and the economy," he said to questions from the former vice president of the socialist government ,

Elena Salgado

, who has acted as moderator of one of the talks in which the president of Bankia,

José Ignacio Goirigolzarri, also participated


The businessman has asked to combat both the pandemic and the recession at the annual congress of the Spanish Confederation of Directors and Executives (CEDE) held this Wednesday in Valencia, which precisely wanted to show continuity with face-to-face assistance, but with security measures .

Roig said that the fight against the pandemic since March "has not been well focused when people have been told to stay at home."

Along the same lines, the president of CEOE,

Antonio Garamendi

, has affirmed in statements to journalists on the sidelines of the business congress that a radical closure of the hospitality industry is "extremely dangerous.

"One thing is to close after 11 pm and another all day."

"This is going to get worse.

We will have a very hard autumn and winter

, but in the new year it will change radically for the better", predicted Josep Baselga, vice president of Astra Zéneca, who has been optimistic about the vaccine "in a short time. "

"Toilet paper, at Harvard"

The president of Mercadona has also stated that as long as there is no vaccine, we must continue working.

"I say in my company that we are building a tunnel in the Himalayas. They

ask me how long it will last and I answer: I don't know, but you itch, we have to continue



Roig has valued the effort of the industry and distribution during the first state of alarm in which there was no supply problem.

"We had problems with the toilet paper that we still do not understand what happened. He will study at Harvard," he joked.

"If we all stay home to see who sells toilet paper."

The Valencian businessman has reaffirmed that he will continue his planned investment plan of 1,600 million and that he

has already invested 300 million only in the improvement of the health protection conditions

of clients and workers.

And he has vindicated, once again, the role of the company: "Those who will carry out this crisis are the workers and employers."

For this reason, he stated that "companies have to earn money. Earning money honestly is a very healthy thing." Goirigolzarri highlighted Roig's business success and stated that European funds must be decisive in transforming the Spanish economy and that, to This, companies play a fundamental role.

"We have the best ceramic sector in the world in Spain and it has been done by businessmen, not by European funds," the president of Mercadona added.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

Know more

  • Mercadona

  • CEOE

  • Juan Roig

  • Valencia

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