Teller Report

21,900 complaints and reports related to "live broadcast" in the first three quarters increased nearly five times year-on-year

10/21/2020, 6:01:03 AM

In the first three quarters, "live broadcast" related complaints and reports increased nearly five times year-on-year   Beijing, October 20 (Reporter Yang Zhaokui) The reporter learned from the State Administration of Market Supervision today that in the first three quarters, the 12315 platform across the country received a total of 21,900 complaints and reports related to "live broadcast", an in

In the first three quarters, "live broadcast" related complaints and reports increased nearly five times year-on-year

  Beijing, October 20 (Reporter Yang Zhaokui) The reporter learned from the State Administration of Market Supervision today that in the first three quarters, the 12315 platform across the country received a total of 21,900 complaints and reports related to "live broadcast", an increase of 479.60% year-on-year. Than nearly 60%.

  On August 31 last year, the national 12315 platform was officially launched. The original industrial and commercial 12315, quality inspection 12365, food and drug 12331, price 12358, and intellectual property 12330 were all integrated into the 12315 hotline and platform.

Through the national 12315 platform, consumers can submit their claims to the market supervision department anytime and anywhere, and can choose to negotiate directly with the enterprises on the platform, check the progress of the claims processing in the first time, and provide feedback on mediation and negotiation.

  Statistics show that complaints and reports in the first three quarters showed the following characteristics: Live delivery of goods frequently appeared. In the first three quarters, the national 12315 platform received a total of 21,900 complaints and reports related to "live broadcast", a year-on-year increase of 479.60%. Among them, live delivery of goods accounted for Than nearly 60%.

"Live broadcast" related demands are mainly concentrated in jewelry, clothing, shoes and hats, household goods, etc.

The top five companies in the number of "live broadcast" related complaints are all top e-commerce platforms and short video platforms.

In addition, service complaints grew rapidly, with a total of 951,700 service complaints received, a year-on-year increase of 103.1%.

The demand for online shopping has increased, and a total of 1,467,200 online shopping complaints have been received.

Emerging industries have a large volume of complaints. Among the top 100 companies with complaints and reports, online retail companies account for the highest proportion, reaching 26%; followed by travel companies, including offline travel agencies and online travel platforms, accounting for 12%.

  Yang Zhaokui