Teller Report

The source of the funds must be disclosed regardless of the sale of the metropolitan area or the house price

10/20/2020, 11:10:54 PM

Until now, a financing plan was issued only when buying a house in excess of 900 million won in an overheated district. It covers virtually the entire metropolitan area, including Seoul.


Until now, a financing plan was issued only when buying a house in excess of 900 million won in a speculative overheated district.

It covers virtually the entire metropolitan area, including Seoul.

Reporter Han Se-hyun on the report.

<Reporter> Although the

transaction of high-priced housing has greatly shrunk due to successive real estate measures, demand for mid- to low-priced apartments in Seoul and Gangbuk is relatively steady.

Whether or not a funding plan is submitted also affects the transaction.

[Seoul Gangbuk-gu Realtor: Look here, why are there so many?

They are all 290 million, 290 million, less than 300 million.

This is so much because I don't write a financing plan here.]

Houses that don't need to report a financing plan often have speculative demand.

[Nowon-gu, Seoul: (among customers) There were two Daegu, one Busan, and one in Gwangju, Jeolla-do…


This is about 200 million won (trading price).] In the

future, in regulated areas such as overheated speculation and adjustment target areas, you must submit a financing plan regardless of the house price.

The targets for submitting evidence that can objectively prove the funding plan are also expanded.

Currently, when buying a house in excess of 900 million won in a speculative overheated district, you must submit proof of your deposit balance or a gift tax return.

[Gimgyujeong / Korea Investment & Asset Succession Research Institute: the consumer trying a low-cost investment in affordable but also seems to be feeling the reporting burden on the procurement audits and occupancy planning, financing speculative demand sentiment is slightly softened;

the addition subsidiaries When buying or selling a house, you must also report the current status of the company, whether you have a special relationship with the counterparty, and the purpose of acquisition.

When a corporation buys a house, it must also provide a financing plan regardless of the location or price of the house.

This is to prevent expedient gifting or speculation through corporations.

[Lim Kyung-in / Tax Accountant (Head of Hana Bank's Tax Affairs Team): In all stages of acquiring, operating, and disposing of houses, I feel the willingness to treat them at a disadvantage rather than individuals.] The

reinforced regulations will take effect on the 27th.