Teller Report

Many places in China announced a number of foreign trade "transcripts" in the first three quarters of this year

10/20/2020, 2:04:54 PM

  China News Service, Beijing, October 20. Recently, many places in China released foreign trade-related economic data such as import and export volume and actual use of foreign capital in the first three quarters of 2020.   The People's Government of Shandong Province held a press conference on the 20th to introduce the economic and social operation of the province in the first three quarters of

  China News Service, Beijing, October 20. Recently, many places in China released foreign trade-related economic data such as import and export volume and actual use of foreign capital in the first three quarters of 2020.

  The People's Government of Shandong Province held a press conference on the 20th to introduce the economic and social operation of the province in the first three quarters of 2020.

In the first three quarters of 2020, the total import and export of goods in Shandong Province was 155.63 billion yuan (RMB, the same below), an increase of 4.2%, of which exports were 892.36 billion yuan, an increase of 10.0%; imports were 663.97 billion yuan, a decrease of 2.7%; newly established foreign investment There were 2003 enterprises, a year-on-year increase of 17.5%; the actual use of foreign capital was US$10.78 billion, a year-on-year increase of 27.9%, an increase of 25.4% higher than the national level.

  The reporter learned at the press conference that in the use of foreign capital, Shandong has shown the characteristics of rapid growth of the pharmaceutical manufacturing industry, obvious stimulating role of the service industry, rapid growth of major foreign capital sources, and favorable conditions for capital increase and mergers and acquisitions.

  "Private enterprises are the largest foreign trade entity in Shandong." Zhang Yibing, deputy commissioner of Jinan Customs, recently said that in the first three quarters, the import and export of private enterprises in Shandong increased by 11.5% year-on-year, which was 7.3 percentage points higher than that of the province as a whole. 68.6% of the total export value was 4.5 percentage points higher than the same period last year.

  According to Qingdao Customs, in September this year, Shandong began to launch new models of direct cross-border e-commerce B2B export and e-commerce overseas warehouse export, with export values ​​reaching 80.019 million yuan and 19.155 million yuan respectively.

During the same period, Shandong’s market purchases and exports totaled 23.13 billion yuan, an increase of 71.5%.

  As a strong foreign trade city in China, Ningbo's total foreign trade in the first three quarters reached 710.97 billion yuan, an increase of 4.3% compared with the same period in 2019.

  "In September alone, the export value of processing trade increased by 178.77% year-on-year." According to Mao Saifei, the customs director of Ningbo Yiren Toys Co., Ltd., under the global new crown pneumonia epidemic situation, companies have increased their customer development efforts and actively seized the international market. The market, diversified and expanded product raw materials, and made full use of the convenience measures for processing trade, and achieved good results.

  In addition, recently, Ningbo Customs issued the "Measures for Ningbo Customs to Promote Stabilization of Foreign Trade and Foreign Investment," 33 specific measures covering five aspects: building a regulatory service platform, helping to expand the supply chain of the industrial chain, and supporting the development of new business models and models.

At the same time, many foreign trade companies also enjoy tax and fee reduction policies such as the certificate of origin and the "zero quota" of bonded guarantees.

  Guangzhou Port Group stated on the 20th that the group's cargo throughput and container throughput achieved positive year-on-year growth in the first three quarters of this year.

From January to September, Guangzhou Port completed a cargo throughput of 39.557 million tons, a year-on-year increase of 1.9%; completed a container throughput of 15.825 million standard containers, a year-on-year increase of 1.5%.

  From January to September, Guangzhou Port Group's traditional goods such as ore, steel, grain, and petrochemicals grew against the trend: grain increased by 24.4%, of which foreign trade imports increased by 51.3%; petrochemicals increased by 7%; steel increased by 13.5% , Of which foreign trade imports of steel increased by 171.5%; ore increased by 13.7%.

The structure of domestic and foreign trade in grain and steel products was further optimized.

(End) (Participating in the report: Sun Hongyuan, Sha Jianlong, Li Dian, Cai Minjie, Ke Xia)