Teller Report

Overload of work, lack of resources: one in four nurses wants to change jobs

10/11/2020, 11:57:52 AM

An investigation by the National Order of Nurses, carried out on the basis of the responses of nearly 60,000 doctors, sheds light on the discomfort of white coats, while the coronavirus is actively circulating in France. Since the start of the crisis, two-thirds of nurses report that their working conditions have deteriorated. & Nbsp;

An investigation by the National Order of Nurses, carried out on the basis of the responses of nearly 60,000 doctors, sheds light on the discomfort of white coats, while the coronavirus is actively circulating in France.

Since the start of the crisis, two-thirds of nurses report that their working conditions have deteriorated. 

Make their coats white.

While more and more cities are going on maximum alert and France is slowly entering the hardship of the second wave of the coronavirus epidemic, more and more caregivers are tired of their working conditions.

More than a third of salaried nurses indicate that their workforce is small compared to normal and 57% of salaried nurses believe that they do not have the time necessary to take care of patients, according to a consultation of the National Order of Nurses in which nearly 60,000 doctors responded.

They are also numerous (66%) to say that their working conditions have deteriorated since the start of the crisis.

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If nothing changes, "the caregivers will continue to leave."

Applauded, praised and praised for their tireless work during confinement, hospital sector staff are increasingly reluctant to reorient themselves.

For example, 40% of nurses want to quit their profession, throw away their white coats and slam the door.

Marie-Pierre, who works at the Pitié-Salpêtrière in Paris, is thinking about it seriously.

"When we feel like we are doing a bad job, when we feel like we are mistreating our patients, we do not stay in this job. We are leaving!"

she said at the microphone of Europe 1.

"If we continue to have emergencies with patients who wait 48 hours on stretchers for lack of space, if we continue to have people who are mistreated and who are left to die on stretchers in the emergency room as it has been the case. in many hospitals, caregivers will continue to leave. "

[Press release] While the # covid19 epidemic is accelerating again, @OrdreInfirmiers warns of the tense situation of the 700,000 nurses in France.

Almost 60,000 #nurses responded to our consultation

- Order of Nurses (@OrdreInfirmiers) October 11, 2020

"These are jobs that are as toxic as they are endearing"

Some have already taken this step.

This is the case for Hugo, who had been in doubt for several months.

The management of the first wave of coronavirus in the spring was the last straw: he resigned on August 1.

Two months later, she sometimes regrets, but never for very long.

"I hesitated to leave, these are jobs that are as toxic as they are endearing. Even today, I miss it," he explains.

"But when I hear nursing friends discussing their work, I can see that this is not a lasting solution and that it will not improve. The best thing to do for his well-being is to turn around. that page. "

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A call to strike on October 15

Admittedly, salary increases were promised during the Ségur de la santé.

They have started to happen… but they will not change the widespread feeling of unease, nurses say, if they cannot afford to do their jobs well.

More than money, organizations are asking for massive hires.

"Nurses are tired, manhandled and overloaded while the signals are red on a large part of the metropolises", alarms the National Order of Nurses.

Several unions and collectives called for a strike Thursday, October 15 to demand "immediate massive hiring" and a "significant increase in wages".