Teller Report

2020 National Day file: gross box office of nearly 4 billion won the second highest record in

10/9/2020, 12:45:14 PM

  [Explanation] With the end of the eight-day holiday, the National Day movie file has officially ended. Under the limit of 75% attendance rate in theaters, the total box office of Chinese movies in the National Day file in 2020 will reach 3.95 billion yuan, and it has also become the second highest box office in Chinese film history.   [Concurrent] Mu Chen, Dean of Lighthouse Research Institute

  [Explanation] With the end of the eight-day holiday, the National Day movie file has officially ended.

Under the limit of 75% attendance rate in theaters, the total box office of Chinese movies in the National Day file in 2020 will reach 3.95 billion yuan, and it has also become the second highest box office in Chinese film history.

  [Concurrent] Mu Chen, Dean of Lighthouse Research Institute

  From October 1st to the 8th of National Day in 2020, the national box office of movies reached 3.95 billion, a year-on-year decrease of 11% from the national day of 2019, making it the second highest box office in history. The total number of screenings was 3.14 million and the number of movie viewers reached 99.59 million. , The attendance rate is 25.5%.

In 2020, the National Day file "My Hometown and Me" won the title of 1.87 billion at the box office, accounting for 47% of the box office. The runner-up "Jiang Ziya" had a box office of 1.38 billion, and the box office accounted for 35%. Ranked third with 9% of the box office.

  [Explanation] According to industry insiders, compared to the same period in 2019, the movies released in the National Day archives in 2020 have several characteristics.

  [Concurrent] Mu Chen, Dean of Lighthouse Research Institute

  First of all, the genre and themes of the films are more diversified. There are movies with the main theme, action, comedy, national comics, and youth inspirational themes, which provides the audience with more choices.

At the same time, this year's ticket users under the age of 25 accounted for 40%, significantly higher than previous years.

The second feature is the generalization of this year's schedule, that is, the opening time of the film is no longer limited to 930, or on October 1st, there are 925 releases in advance to win the championship, and there are also films released on October 3, 4, and 5. Upgrading and extending files is more flexible, making the inventory utilization of the theater more efficient, and the film has more opportunities to be seen by the audience.

  [Explanation] Analysts believe that the performance of the Chinese film market during the National Day holiday in 2020 provides confidence and experience for the development of the film market after the epidemic.

  [Concurrent] Mu Chen, Dean of Lighthouse Research Institute

  The epidemic caused the entire film industry to almost shut down in the first half of the year, and it also changed the entertainment habits of movie audiences. However, after this year’s National Day file, practitioners have also seen that as long as we can provide audiences with high-quality content, we can provide audiences with high-quality content through accurate and efficient announcements. The release reaches the audience, and the cinema provides high-level services. The audience will definitely return to the cinema movie, and the film industry will have a better tomorrow.

  [Explanation] In addition to the film industry, offline performances such as music festivals have also started in many cities during long holidays.

According to reports, during the 2020 National Day holiday, more than 20 music festivals will be held across the country.

  [Concurrent] Yin Liang, Vice President of Barley

  The overall number of shows increased by 130% year-on-year (2019), and the overall box office increased by 113%.

The box office of cities below the second tier accounted for more than 60%.

It should be said that this is the strongest music festival National Day file in history.

I think the full recovery of this National Day music festival can also bring great confidence to the performance industry. The concert should not be far from everyone.

  Reporter Fan Siyi reports from Beijing

Editor in charge: [Wang Kai]