Teller Report

Exploding star captured on film

10/8/2020, 9:17:58 AM

NASA has released a video of a so-called supernova, an exploding star, 70 million light-years from Earth. The supernova was captured on film by the Hubble Telescope. It began to be observed already in February 2018, and the time course for the explosion itself is almost a year. - If we take the Milky Way, it is estimated that there are about three supernovae in a thousand years. Filming it in this way is extremely unusual, says Patrik Norqvist who is a senior lecturer in physics at Umeå University.

The supernova was captured on film by the Hubble Telescope.

It began to be observed already in February 2018, and the time course for the explosion itself is almost a year.

- If we take the Milky Way, it is estimated that there are about three supernovae in a thousand years.

Filming it in this way is extremely unusual, says Patrik Norqvist who is a senior lecturer in physics at Umeå University.

Watch NASA's video of the exploding star above.

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