Teller Report

2~3 weeks into 100 million'Big Hit Frenzy'... "Feast of people with money"

10/6/2020, 12:36:31 PM

The subscription to the general public offering shares for Big Hit Entertainment, the agency of BTS, has been closed. All of them are 58.4 trillion won, so even those who put 100 million won are expected to receive two or three weeks. Because of that, there are complaints about whether rich people are advantageous, so the financial authorities decided to consider ways to improve the subscription system.

<Anchor> The

subscription to Big Hit Entertainment, the agency of BTS, has been closed.

All of them are 58.4 trillion won, so people who put 100 million won are expected to receive two or three weeks at most.

Because of that, there are complaints about whether rich people are advantageous, so the financial authorities decided to consider ways to improve the subscription system.

This is Park Chan-geun.

<Reporter> As the

deadline for the subscription of Big Hit public offerings approached, investors who had been weighing them hurried to visit a brokerage company.

[Big Hit Subscription Applicant: (Extra money) 2 million won remaining.

Then I'm thinking of getting another week here.

It won't come out in a few weeks when we count on the competition rate.]

The margin for this general public offering was 58 trillion won, similar to Kakao Games.

The final competition rate will be 2 or 3 weeks if you put 607 to 1 billion won as margin.

Individual investors are dissatisfied with the extremely small volume.

[Big Hit Subscription Applicant: This is a game, a person with a game.

Those under it are the bridesmaids.

I got a few weeks and I can't get any money.] The

financial authorities are also struggling to improve the current subscription system in which people with a lot of money are assigned more public offering stocks, but they are not able to make a clear decision.

This is because the recent success of subscriptions is an unusual phenomenon due to the listing of some promising companies, and there are opinions that the current method also has its own advantages during general public offerings.

[Financial Investment Association official: It can be said to be objective.

There is no interference or intervention by anyone, and the amount requested is divided according to the competition rate.

It is predictable.]

After reviewing various alternatives, such as increasing the general public offering volume, which is currently 20%, or restricting multiple subscriptions by limiting to one brokerage account, and allocating some quantities by lottery. We plan to announce a proposal to improve the subscription system after consultation with the securities industry.

(Video coverage: Jang Woon-seok, video editing: Choi Hye-young, CG: Choi Haneul)