Teller Report

INSEE again observes a "slight surplus" of deaths

10/2/2020, 3:18:11 PM

The number of deaths since May 2020 was comparable to that of the previous years until this SeptemberInsee, illustration - THOMAS SAMSON / AFP The number of deaths, all causes combined, experienced in France a "slight surplus" between May 1 and September 21 compared to the same periods of 2018 and 2019, INSEE said on Friday in its last regular update on mortality. during the Covid-19 epidemic. While the statistical institute indicated at the beginning of September that it no longer observed "exce

Insee, illustration -


The number of deaths, all causes combined, experienced in France a "slight surplus" between May 1 and September 21 compared to the same periods of 2018 and 2019, INSEE said on Friday in its last regular update on mortality. during the Covid-19 epidemic.

While the statistical institute indicated at the beginning of September that it no longer observed "excess mortality" over the period from May 1 to August 24, the trend has now been reversed: by including the deaths recorded until the 21st. September, we arrive at an increase of + 1% compared to 2019 and + 2% compared to 2018.

This increase mainly concerns people aged 65 to 74 (+ 4% deaths compared to 2019), while mortality is stable for those 75 and over (+ 0.5%).

Over the first three weeks of September alone (from 1 to 21), the increase in mortality - all ages combined - even reached 2.1% compared to last year and 2.4% compared to 2018, indicates the 'Insee.

9% increase throughout the year

In mainland France, the increase in mortality from May to September, compared to last year, is especially marked in Hauts-de-France (+ 3%), Normandy (+ 1.8%) and Occitanie (+ 1.2%).

But the figures are even clearer overseas: + 4.1% in Guadeloupe, + 8% in RĂ©union and even + 20.2% in Mayotte.

By including the months of March and April, that is to say the "first wave" of the epidemic, the increase in mortality throughout France is obviously much clearer: in total, 354,229 deaths were recorded in France. March 1 to September 21, i.e. 9% more than in 2019 and 7% more than in 2018.


The death rate has returned to normal since the end of April in Hauts-de-France


Mortality in France up 25% compared to last year, end of April

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