Teller Report

Arte is launching “an exclusive series offer on Arte. TV ”(and free)

10/2/2020, 12:21:05 PM

Arte is betting on "an editorialized offer" with cult, rare or unpublished nuggets, launched this Saturday, October 3

Jon Hamm and Daniel Radcliffe share the poster for “A Young Doctor's Notebook”, available this Saturday, October 3, 2020 on


Sky Arts

  • Arte is launching “an exclusive series offer on Arte.

    TV »free this Saturday, October 3.

  • By the end of 2020, some 100 hours of series will be uploaded exclusively on

  • On the program, “an editorialized offer” with cult, rare or unpublished nuggets.

Cult nuggets, rare or unpublished!

Arte is launching this Saturday an offer of series available in their entirety in VOSTFR, free of charge and exclusively on the platform.

A launch, announced by the president of the Franco-German channel Bruno Patino during the Arte re-entry conference in Paris on August 29.

"Our ambition to be the European cultural platform is being realized day after day: last year, all of Arte's digital offers recorded more than a billion videos viewed, 20% of which outside France and abroad. Germany ”, congratulated the leader.

Olivier Wotling, director of Arte's fiction unit, detailed this new offer during a conference on the occasion of the last La Rochelle TV Fiction Festival, which was exceptionally held in Paris at the Folies Bergère in due to the coronavirus pandemic.

"We love the series so much that we wanted more"

“We love the series so much that we wanted more!

We don't have room on the air so this exclusive offer, offered on from October 3, will consist of new series, our current replay, and then covers like

The Killing

this summer or


l 'previous summer', explained Olivier Wotling.

With this offer, Arte “hopes to put an end to some sort of scandal.

Some of the series that we find magnificent, do not manage to find the place on an antenna and be visible in France.

"" We have to make very drastic choices because we only have two hours of prime time series ", regrets Olivier Wotling.

By the end of 2020, some 100 hours of series will be uploaded exclusively on

“We are not looking for volume.

We are faithful to the spirit of the channel in terms of fiction and we offer a very editorial and quality choice, in our eyes, ”he underlined.

This offer "lives its life and is not necessarily in addition or echo with the antenna", specifies the director of the fiction of Arte.

"At the start, some crazy English series"

In terms of recovery, will resuscitate this Saturday the three seasons of the seminarian

So Be They

, broadcast on the air from 2012 to 2015.

"This offer will be composed mainly at the start of English series", indicates Olivier Wotling.

Eight fictions from across the Channel including in particular the series unpublished in France

The Virtues

, prize for the best series at Séries Mania in 2019. This odyssey, signed Shane Meadows (

This is England

), follows Joseph, an alcoholic and depressed man who returns to his native Ireland to face a painful past.

But also nuggets "very quirky" including the crazy and cult anthology

Inside n ° 9

, the black comedy comedy

A Young Doctor's Notebook

worn by Daniel Radcliffe (

Harry Potter

) and Jon Hamm (

Mad Men

), the very "bad spirit »miniseries


or even the joyfully immoral

Ill Behavior

with Chris Geere (

You're the Worst

) and Lizzy Caplan (

Masters of Sex

) will be online from October 3.

The acid-humorous sitcom


and the


complete, which


the Bafta 2015 for best comedy series, will land on the platform in November.

"The originals" of which we have seen the remakes

"This offer will constantly evolve", explains Arte's director of fiction, who has already concocted a second selection around "originals, that is to say series which are known by a remake American or English, but who were born in another country.


The opportunity to see the Israeli


adapted for the United States under the title


(October 3), the original Australian version of

The Slap

(early November),

Criminal Justice

with Ben Whishaw, British series adapted by HBO under the title

The Night Of

(early December), the British version of

House of Cards

(early 2021), the Norwegian series


, which gave rise to the Netflix series two years ago (early 2021), and finally


, the Israeli series adapted in particular by HBO under the title

In Treatment

(early 2021).

What to familiarize with the original before discovering

In therapy

, the French adaptation of the cult series on the Arte antenna in 2021.

"We have the feeling of being very Arte with this offer with cutting-edge and quality things", comments Olivier Wotling, who is pleased to have "an absolutely incredible playing field in the European series still to explore.


No "specific corner" on

To access its content available only online, just go as for a replay in the "series and fictions" section: "There was no idea to make a specific corner or more highlighted" , notes the director of the fiction of Arte.

In order to make this content available, “the acquisition budget has increased a bit in order to be able to provide a stronger offer from the outset.

We are around 32 million for all of the unit's activities, ”said Olivier Wotling.

With this reinforced and cutting-edge fiction offer, seems determined to find a place for itself in the world of streaming platforms despite the imminent arrival in France of Salto.


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