Teller Report

Pipi Estrada cries over the corpse of her dead cat: "Here I am, with my 'Trapito'"

9/15/2020, 3:16:56 PM

2020 is a tragic year. Pipi Estrada knows it well, who in the last hours has lost her Trapito, the cat who "only needed to write because he was talking," as described

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2020 is a tragic year.

Pipi Estrada knows it well, who has lost her


in the last hours

, the cat who

"only needed to write because he was talking,"

as the popular communicator on Instagram has described the animal that lay dead on a vet stretcher.

Pipi has 123,000 followers on



He usually uses the social network to show off abs, exercise routines or as a literary wall in which to drain his optimism, who knows if he will end up winning the Espasa award, until this Tuesday, which has been dyed in mourning for the gaticide.

"I don't know what happened. Suddenly ...

He fell onto the terrace below. And ... I caught him,"

sobs Pipi Estrada over


hot corpse

in the makeshift burning chapel of the veterinary clinic.

Who knows where



the other six lives, but the truth is that he did not overcome the fatal fall.

"He could not get over the moment," confirms the owner, exhausted, exhausted and saddened by the inert body of his partner.

"He has always been a very good cat."

However, at a certain moment,

Pipi abandons the stoicism of the first seconds

and pounces on the burraco cat to kiss its already lifeless little body.

"I love you," he says and repeats while massaging the mortal remains of the pet that he decided not to hold on to when he siding during one of his adventures.

Being a



must be exhausting.

Pipi, inconsolable, looks at him with devotion before sending a positive message in such a delicate trance.

"In life you have to keep fighting, there is no other", philosophizes our


about the channels of resilience.

"Pets are the best thing we have in life," coined another motto in fatality.

Pipi Estrada's tears are real.

The video has amassed nearly 12,000 views in an hour.

Then he has deleted it.

And the messages of encouragement have happened to comfort and support a man destroyed on the stretcher on which 'Trapito' lies.

For example, for Efren Reyero, a former tronista, his words are full of reason.

"Sorry bro. They are part of the family and they feel the same way."

For a moment, Pipi sees a window open to hope and tries to sneak in.

"Is he alive?" Asks the vet, the unexpected maker of the dramatic documentary.

"No", answers the specialist.

"I'm saying I hadn't cut the video yet."

The reality is unbearable.

Some Twitter users have captured the images:

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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