Teller Report

Will our bins soon be billed according to their weight?

9/11/2020, 1:52:48 PM

Ademe, Citeo and the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes region want to encourage municipal officials to switch to the incentive tax, calculated for each household according to their waste production

Illustration of garbage cans overflowing due to the garbage collectors strike.

Here in Saint-Genis-Laval, near Lyon.


E. Frisullo / 20 Minutes

  • Ademe, Citeo and the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes region have undertaken to develop the incentive tax, in other words the invoicing of the management of our waste according to its quantity.

  • This measure has already been implemented with 6.5% of the region's population, with a target of 36% by 2025.

  • After Grenoble, who will experience it, will the Lyon metropolis get started?

What if, in the years to come, in the metropolis of Lyon and many other agglomerations in the region, we were billed for the management of our waste according to our waste production?

A few months after the municipal elections, Ademe, Citeo and the region decided to challenge the newly elected officials on the need to widely develop the incentive tax (TI) in the future.

Unlike the TEOM (household waste removal tax), billed each year to 84% of French people, depending on the rental value and the size of their home, the TI aims to charge households for what they really throw away. .

“Today if you ask around, many do not know that they are paying for the management of their garbage.

And those who know it do not know how much they pay per year.

The incentive tax is a fairer service, calculated on the basis of what you actually produce, ”assures Thomas Flusin, Auvergne Rhône-Alpes manager at Citeo, specialist in recycling household packaging and paper.

Several systems exist and different means are possible to calculate the fair price of our bins.

But overall, it is about equipping containers or bins with chips or giving badges to households in buildings to access the local garbage cans.

Go from 6.5 to 36% of households covered in 5 years

“It is a matter of tax justice.

This gives citizens visibility and allows them to act on what they pay for waste, ”adds Jérôme d'Assigny, regional director of Ademe.

The objective of this device is of course to encourage the public, in order to pay less, to reduce their production of household waste and to sort or compost better, in accordance with the national objectives set in the law against food waste and for the economy. circular.

A text that provides in particular to reduce household waste per inhabitant by 15% by 2030. “To reduce our garbage and develop our recycling, there are not a thousand solutions.

We must take strong measures, ”adds Thomas Flusin, who will have the difficult task in the coming months of convincing the many elected representatives of the region.

Because in the region, despite various experiments in progress or territories already engaged, IT remains very underused.

In Auvergne Rhône-Alpes, only 6.5% of inhabitants pay according to their quantity of waste for a target of 36% by 2025, according to the regional waste prevention and management plan.

A colossal challenge if we consider that this billing by weight takes about 5 years to be deployed in a sector.

“It takes about a year of study and three, four years to set it up and experiment with it,” say Ademe and Citeo.

Grenoble Alpes Métropole has launched

After Grenoble Alpes Métropole, which has been equipping its collection bins with a chip since 2018, and is due to launch this system from the end of 2020 to 25,000 households, the two companies hope to convince the metropolis of Lyon.

The arrival of the ecologist Bruno Bernard at the head of the agglomeration makes them optimistic.

“During the campaign, he pledged to cut incinerated waste in half.

There aren't 36 ways to do it.

This will necessarily go through the incentive.

I am confident that the new team will be able to implement it quickly, ”adds Thomas Flusin, who plans to meet with the city's services soon.

The example of Grenoble could encourage Lyonnais to take the plunge, just like the results observed in the territories, where sometimes for years, residents have been invoiced by the weight of their waste.

"It is estimated that in France, IT makes it possible to reduce the quantity of garbage by 30 to 50% and to reduce sorted packaging from 76 kg per inhabitant per year to 90 and 100 kg.

To convince elected officials to add the implementation of this tax to their mandate plan, the region, Citeo and Ademe are also counting on the financial argument and the investment aid planned for the deployment of IT. .

Equipment of individual bins, containers, reorganization of waste management and treatment….

For example, a third of the expenses incurred by Grenoble Alpes Métropole in this area was funded by the three partners, to the tune of 3 million euros.


When will there be financial incentives to generate less waste?


When will there be financial incentives to generate less waste?

  • Trash can

  • Lyon

  • Grenoble

  • Economy

  • Environment

  • Tax

  • Recycling

  • Planet

  • Waste