Teller Report

A student in India hangs himself over the game of "PUBG"

9/11/2020, 11:19:48 AM

A 21-year-old Indian student hanged himself to death for not being able to play the "PUBG Mobile" game, which was banned by the country. For lunch he did not answer th

A student in India hangs himself over the game of "PUBG"

A 21-year-old Indian student hanged himself to death for not being able to play the "PUBG Mobile" game banned by the country.

According to the Indian news agency PTI, the student ate breakfast, went back to his room and locked it, and when parents called him for lunch, he did not respond to the call.

His mother knocked on the door of his room until she panicked, and called the neighbors to storm the room, and as soon as she entered, they found the boy hanging from the ceiling.

According to his family, the boy was frustrated by the ban on "PUBG MOBILE" in India.

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