Teller Report

A positive for Covid puts an end to the concentration of Atlético in Los Angeles de San Rafael

9/11/2020, 2:05:28 PM

While Diego Costa and Santiago Arias are still in quarantine, waiting for a negative test for coronavirus to allow them to join their colleagues, another positive has det

While Diego Costa and Santiago Arias still remain in quarantine, waiting for a negative test for coronavirus to allow them to join their teammates, another positive one has abruptly stopped Atlético's preseason.

The rojiblanco team has had to return to Madrid to undergo new PCR tests, after learning that a person who is part of the 'bubble' of the first team and is in contact with him, and who is not a footballer or belongs to the coaching staff, has positive.

The protocol tests on Thursday showed the presence of that only positive, whose contagion has its origin in the family, and was prior to the concentration in Segovia.

The PCR had not detected it before starting the stage.

So, on Friday, the entire rojiblanca expedition underwent new PCR tests in Madrid.

And until the results are known, Atlético will not return to training.

Of course, he will no longer return to Los Angeles de San Rafael, but will do so in the Ciudad Deportiva de Majadahonda.

The players await the results at home to return to work.

Atlético de Madrid has its first preseason game for next September 15, in the Ramón de Carranza Trophy against Cádiz, although its start of LaLiga Santander is not scheduled until next September 26 or 27 against Granada in the Wanda Metropolitano, due to its participation until August 13 in the final phase of the Champions League.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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