Teller Report

Trump: Biden is "stupid" and demands an apology for his challenge over vaccines

9/8/2020, 10:08:05 PM

Republican President Donald Trump described his Democratic rival in the upcoming presidential election, Joe Biden, as "stupid," and demanded an apology for what Trump described as anti-vaccination rhetoric. Biden had accused Trump of endangering lives, with his handling of the Corona virus epidemic ». Luke

Trump: Biden is "stupid" and demands an apology for his challenge over vaccines

Yesterday, Republican President Donald Trump described his Democratic rival in the upcoming presidential election, Joe Biden, as "stupid," and demanded an apology for what Trump described as the anti-vaccine rhetoric.

Biden had accused Trump of endangering lives, with his handling of the Corona virus.

Trump said that a vaccine against the virus would be ready in record time, perhaps before the elections, which raised questions about whether political pressure could lead to the deployment of a vaccine before it was safe.

Speaking at a press conference on the occasion of the American Labor Day, at the White House, Trump said: “Biden and his very liberal colleague (Kamala Harris), the most liberal in Congress by the way - are not competent in my opinion, you will destroy this country and this economy - he should immediately apologize for the speech. The anti-vaccine mindless, this undermines (the role) of science ».

President Biden was described as "stupid."

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