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Why did Xi Jinping put forward the "three initiatives" at this unusual summit

9/6/2020, 12:53:27 PM

On September 4, President Xi Jinping delivered a speech at the 2020 China International Trade in Services Global Service Trade Summit. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Ju Peng   On September 4, President Xi Jinping delivered a speech at the 2020 China International Trade in Services Global Service Trade Summit. This is the first time since the outbreak of the epidemic that a major internation

On September 4, President Xi Jinping delivered a speech at the 2020 China International Trade in Services Global Service Trade Summit.

Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Ju Peng

  On September 4, President Xi Jinping delivered a speech at the 2020 China International Trade in Services Global Service Trade Summit.

This is the first time since the outbreak of the epidemic that a major international economic and trade event has been organized through a combination of online and offline. This unusual gathering not only demonstrates the remarkable results China has achieved in epidemic prevention and control, but also injects new impetus into economic globalization. Inspire confidence in the recovery of the global economy.

  How to understand Xi Jinping's three-point proposal in his speech?

What is the significance of holding the Service Trade Fair?

This issue of "Government of China" interviewed Huo Jianguo, vice president of the China World Trade Organization Research Institute and former president of the Ministry of Commerce Research Institute, and Bai Ming, deputy director of the International Market Research Institute of the Ministry of Commerce Research Institute.

Proposal to jointly create an open and inclusive environment for cooperation

  Xi Jinping proposed that China will unswervingly expand its opening to the outside world, establish a sound cross-border service trade negative list management system, promote the construction of an open platform for innovative development of service trade, continue to relax market access for the service industry, and actively expand imports of high-quality services.

China will actively respond to the actual needs of the development of service trade, promote the coordination of service rules at the multilateral and regional levels, continuously improve global economic governance, and promote inclusive growth of the world economy.

[Key points] Reform and opening up are still the main line, and countries are working hard to promote cross-border connectivity

  Huo Jianguo, vice chairman of the China World Trade Organization Research Institute and former president of the Ministry of Commerce Research Institute: Chairman Xi Jinping emphasized the need to continue to create a good development environment, create a level playing field, and point out the way forward for the development of my country's service trade.

In the face of the current obstacles and obstacles to the development of global service trade, such as trade protectionism, my country emphasizes the need to promote the formation of a new development pattern with a domestic cycle as the main body and a domestic and international dual cycle that promotes each other, which means that reform and opening up are still the main line. In this process, it is even more necessary for countries to work hard to reduce the "on the border" and "behind the border" barriers that restrict the flow of factors, and promote cross-border interconnection.

  All countries need to open up based on their own national conditions and their own affordability. As long as they look for the direction of opening up, and especially work hard to reduce the "on the border" and "behind the border" barriers that restrict the flow of factors, we believe that China will continue to contribute to the inclusive growth of the world economy. power.

[Key points] The term "tolerance" expresses China's position and has rich connotations

  Bai Ming, deputy director of the International Market Research Institute of the Ministry of Commerce Research Institute: China's economic transformation and upgrading in the future will face the optimal allocation of global resources. Both domestic and foreign resources must be allocated.

Therefore, the transformation and upgrading of China's foreign trade must not only develop goods trade, but also develop service trade.

Therefore, from a large trading country to a strong trading country, the Trade in Services Association plays an important role in the development of China's service trade.

  In the first proposal, President Xi Jinping mentioned “jointly creating an open and inclusive environment for cooperation”, in which the term “inclusiveness” is rich in connotation.

In response to the current challenges of counter-globalization, "Tolerance" expresses China's position and expects everyone to find a common solution.

This also explains that trade in services should be a development channel for countries to work together to achieve common benefits.

Initiative two, jointly activate the cooperation momentum led by innovation

  Xi Jinping emphasized that we must follow the development trend of digitalization, networking, and intelligence, and work together to eliminate the "digital divide" and promote the digitalization of service trade.

China will expand its characteristic service export base and develop new business forms and models of service trade.

China is willing to work with other countries to strengthen macro-policy coordination, accelerate international cooperation in the digital field, increase intellectual property protection, and actively promote the vigorous development of the digital economy and sharing economy, so as to promote the continued vitality of the world economy.

[Key Points] Innovation gives strong impetus to service trade and opens up new development space for service trade

  Huo Jianguo, vice chairman of the China World Trade Organization Research Institute and former president of the Ministry of Commerce Research Institute: Innovation gives a strong impetus to service trade and opens up new development space for service trade.

The development practice in recent years has also proved that the digital economy and digital trade have grown strongly, and the formation of a market environment that encourages innovation and development is critical.

Because technological breakthrough is by no means a completely closed breakthrough, but a breakthrough in open cooperation.

  Although we currently have a strong external dependence on certain core technologies, we have always insisted on accelerating breakthroughs in related core technologies, and actively exploring international cooperation, speeding up foreign cooperation with an open attitude, and then pushing to overcome technical difficulties.

It can be seen that external pressure is forcing us to find a way of innovation-driven development, turning pressure into a driving force for innovation and progress.

[Key points] Digitization, networking, and intelligence provide an efficient path for online solutions to service trade issues

  Bai Ming, deputy director of the International Market Research Institute of the Ministry of Commerce Research Institute: In the past, many service trade issues needed to be resolved face-to-face. There were obstacles to the movement of natural persons, commercial existence, and cross-border consumption. Transformation and intelligence provide an efficient path for online problem solving, thereby opening up the space for service trade and getting rid of the geographical restrictions of service trade.

Initiative three, jointly create a mutually beneficial and win-win cooperation situation

  Xi Jinping pointed out that China will make full use of various platforms such as the China International Trade in Services Fair and the China International Import Expo to promote policy and experience exchanges, establish and cultivate diversified partnerships among governments, international organizations, business associations, and enterprises, and support The formation of a global service trade alliance will continue to form more practical cooperation results, so that the people of all countries can share the growth results of service trade.

[Key Points] To ensure the smooth development of service trade, countries need to strengthen international governance while providing open markets

  Huo Jianguo, vice chairman of the China World Trade Organization Research Institute and former president of the Ministry of Commerce Research Institute: To ensure the further smooth development of service trade, it is necessary to strengthen international governance while countries provide open markets.

In order to promote the development of service trade, countries need to break through barriers and formulate international rules that adapt to the current multinational investment. How to specifically promote the development of digital trade?

How to solve the digital flow?

It is necessary for countries to conduct in-depth communication on the rules.

  Even when the development of various regional free trade agreements has greater influence, inter-regional coordination is still important, and it is necessary to go hand in hand to avoid working behind closed doors.

  In response to President Xi Jinping’s statement that “treating with sincerity and sharing benefits is the fundamental strategy”, I think we must promote greater consensus among all countries at the cognitive level.

Only in an open environment that eliminates barriers, the world's almost progress is the fastest. At the same time, technological progress has the most obvious effect on industry and economic promotion.

This is not a unilateral benefit of a certain company, but a utility that generally benefits multi-party economies in the process of promoting technological industrialization and marketization.

[Key Points] The development of trade must not only do a good job of "cake", but also divide the "cake"

  Bai Ming, deputy director of the International Market Research Institute of the Ministry of Commerce: To achieve a mutually beneficial and win-win cooperation situation, the focus is on increasing.

The development of trade must not only make a good "cake", but also divide the "cake".

How to do both?

First of all, we must tolerate development, win profits and share the "cake"; at the same time, drive innovation and make the "cake" bigger. Both are mutually beneficial and win-win.

In the context of the epidemic, what is the special significance of this major international economic and trade event?

  Under the background that the global epidemic has not yet been fully controlled, China has overcome many difficulties to host this major international economic and trade event, which will play an important role in jointly promoting the development and prosperity of global service trade and promoting the rapid recovery of the world economy.

[Key Points] In the future, the Service Trade Association should move from a forum to a platform for active cooperation to further enhance the sense of gain of all parties

  Huo Jianguo, Vice President of the China World Trade Organization Research Institute and former Dean of the Research Institute of the Ministry of Commerce: The reason why the influence of the Service Trade Association continues to expand is to adapt to the general trend of international development on the one hand, and to attach importance to its stability in economic growth The supporting role played by sex.

The Service Trade Association is moving towards a more mature and stable service trade promotion platform.

It has a huge potential for development. In the future, it should move from a forum to a platform for active cooperation, and make efforts in the specific development models of enterprise technology cooperation, docking, and service trade to further enhance the sense of gain of all participants.

[Key points] The epidemic cannot stop our confidence and actions to work together and cooperate for a win-win situation

  Bai Ming, deputy director of the International Market Research Institute of the Ministry of Commerce Research Institute: Even under the influence of the epidemic, many companies still actively participate in the service trade fair.

Trade in goods has been hindered by the epidemic, and logistics has been affected.

However, the development of Internet technology has solved trade barriers such as trade in services and cross-border delivery. At the same time, it has also spawned new demands such as online medical care and online education. This is a good time for the development of service trade.

It can be seen that the epidemic cannot stop our confidence and actions to work together and win-win cooperation. Looking to the future, open cooperation in the service industry is increasingly becoming an important force for development.

  Deng Zhihui, Song Zijie, Peng Xinyun