Teller Report

AI identifies which personalities appear the most on TV

9/2/2020, 1:11:24 PM

The creators of the algorithm believe that their tool "can help identify repeated inequalities and trends in editorial coverage at the

Children watch television (illustration).



Researchers at Stanford University (United States) have developed an artificial intelligence capable of identifying personalities present on television and of counting the time devoted to them on the air.

The AI ​​can also analyze the terms most often spoken or the topics discussed.

The program, dubbed Stanford Cable TV News Analyzer, uses facial recognition to identify personalities.

The reliability of the results may therefore be limited by errors or gender and race biases that some of these tools often have, reports

The Next Web


Trump in the lead and rising inequalities

The researchers clarified that their algorithm used Rekognition Celebrity Recognition, Amazon's facial recognition device.

According to them, the tool can "help identify repeated inequalities and trends" on television.

Responsible for the project, Maneesh Agrawala considers it important to "let researchers, journalists and the general public quantitatively assess who and what gets on the news".

Using AI, the



, for example, determined that Donald Trump had the highest exposure since 2010 among the 1,482 celebrities recognized by the tool.

The president got 229,389 minutes of screen time, against 31,960 for Joe Biden, his Democratic opponent.

The algorithm also shows that gender inequality in television visibility in the United States has increased since 2015.


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  • High-Tech

  • Donald trump

  • Television

  • United States

  • Artificial intelligence

  • Statistics