Teller Report

'Charlie Hebdo' republishes the cartoons of Muhammad for which the jihadists attacked: "We will never give in"

9/1/2020, 2:23:00 PM

The French magazine Charlie Hebdo republishes in its new issue the cartoons of Muhammad that made him a target of jihadist terrorists five years ago, coi

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The French magazine

Charlie Hebdo


republishing in its new issue the cartoons of Muhammad

that made him a target of jihadist terrorists five years ago, coinciding with the start of the trial on the January 2015 terrorist attacks in France tomorrow.

"Everything for this,"

reads the headline of number 1,497 of

Charlie Hebdo

, which will go on sale tomorrow Wednesday on newsstands in France and is now available online.

The magazine carries on its cover the cartoons of Muhammad that the Danish newspaper


printed in 2005 and that

Charlie Hebdo

published in 2006. And it also reproduces the cover of issue 712 with an illustration of


, murdered on January 7, 2015 in the attack on the newsroom, in which 12 people died.

In this drawing by Cabu the prophet is seen with his eyes covered and crying on his knees with this message: "Muhammad overwhelmed by the fundamentalists. 'It is hard to be loved by idiots'", proclaims the prophet.

"These drawings belong to history from now on and we do not rewrite history nor can we erase it,"

explains the magazine when it comes to justifying the cover.

The editorial staff of

Charlie Hebdo

is aware that the publication of the cartoons was considered "blasphemy by a certain number of Muslims" and that it was "the motive for the massacre of 7 January".

"We have avenged the prophet Muhammad! We have killed Charlie Hebdo!" Proclaimed in the street after the attack the brothers Saïd and Chérif Kouachi, authors of the attack.

The Kouachi brothers were killed by the police two days after the attack on a printing press where they had barricaded themselves on the outskirts of Paris.

Charlie Hebdo

considers it important to republish these cartoons because

14 years have passed since they were first published


They believe that it is necessary for the young French people who will follow the 2015 trial on the news to know what is being talked about, since they had not been republished since then.

For the writing of the magazine, "the duty of information" is imposed when publishing these documents, which, in his opinion,

"have both historical and criminal value



"We have often been asked to do other cartoons of Muhammad. We have always rejected him, not because it is prohibited, the law authorizes us, but because a good reason was needed to do it, a reason that makes sense and that adds something to the debate. To reproduce these cartoons in this week of the opening of the trial of the attacks of January 2015 seems to us now indispensable ", assures the writing of Charlie Hebdo.

"Do we want to live in a country that boasts of being a great free and modern democracy and that, at the same time, refuses to affirm its deepest convictions? For our part, there is no possibility, except to live in another country, in another regime, in another world ", adds the magazine.

Full view of the cover of 'Charlie Hebdo', with the text "Todo para esto" .EFE

"We will never give in. We will never give up



justifies the director of the satirical weekly,


, pseudonym of Laurent Sourisseau.


, who was seriously injured five years ago in the attack, published in 2019 a book entitled "One minute and 49 seconds" (Actes Sud publishing house), where he recounted how the attack was inside and the efforts to get the magazine out again.

Charlie Hebdo

also publishes in this issue the results of an Ifop poll on freedom of expression.


nine percent of French people believe that the media "were right" in publishing the Muhammad cartoons "in the name of freedom of expression"

, while 31 percent believe that they were wrong because it was "a useless provocation" and 10 percent do not comment on the matter.

In contrast,

69 percent of respondents who declare themselves Muslim believe that they were wrong

to publish the drawings and that it was a provocation.

France will judge from tomorrow the

fourteen alleged accomplices of the Koauchi brothers and Amédy Coulibaly

, who murdered 17 people between 7 and 9 January in three attacks: the attack on Charlie Hebdo, the taking of hostages in the kosher supermarket Hyper Cacher and the murder of a police officer in Montrouge.

The three terrorists who carried out the attacks were killed by the police after the attacks.

These January 2015 attacks were the starting point for a wave of jihadist attacks in France.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Charlie hebdo

  • Paris

  • France

  • Attacks

  • Jihadism

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