Teller Report

Young people discovered 1,100-year-old gold coins in Israel

8/27/2020, 1:19:12 AM

Israeli archaeologists on Monday unveiled 1,100-year-old gold coins found during excavations near the central city of Yavne. The coins discovered by youth volunteers also included hundreds of smaller clippings from gold coins that would have served as smaller denominations.

The collection of 425 complete gold coins, most of them related to the Abbasid period about 1,100 years ago, is an "extremely rare" find, said Israel Antiquities Archaeologists Liat Nadav-Ziv and Elie Haddad in a joint statement. 

 - When I chopped into the ground, I saw something that looked like leaves. I wanted to clear them but realized they might be coins. At first I found about three of them and when I picked them up I saw even more below. Says 18-year-old Oz Cohen, one of the volunteers who found the treasure. 

A first analysis indicates that the coins are from the end of the 10th century.

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