Teller Report

Confirmation of infection in 51 new corona men dead in Fukuoka prefecture

8/24/2020, 10:01:46 AM

[NHK] Kitakyushu City announced on the 24th that a man in his 80s in Hachimanto Ward, who had been hospitalized at a medical institution and being treated due to the new coronavirus, died...

New corona male in Fukuoka Prefecture died 51 infection confirmed on August 24, 18:57

Kitakyushu City announced on the 24th that a man in his 80s in Hachimanto Ward, who had been hospitalized at a medical institution and being treated due to the new coronavirus, died. The number of infected people in Fukuoka prefecture has decreased to 51.

Fukuoka Prefecture announced on the 24th that a total of 51 people were confirmed to be infected with the new coronavirus.

The breakdown is 40 in Fukuoka, 3 in Kitakyushu, 1 in Kurume, and so on.

A total of 4169 people were confirmed infected in Fukuoka prefecture.

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