Teller Report

"Dubai Finance" automates "smart financial planning" for agencies attached to the budget

8/24/2020, 10:07:28 PM

The Department of Finance of the Government of Dubai announced that it has implemented the smart financial planning program on the 54 entities attached to the government budget, and the department stated, in a statement yesterday, that it had completed the application of automating the system in three months, during which seven induction workshops and 30 training workshops were carried out.

It includes 54 government entities in the emirate

"Dubai Finance" automates "smart financial planning" for agencies attached to the budget

Aref Ahli: “(the project) meets the requirements of Dubai’s digital transformation, and the emirate’s paperless strategy.”

The Department of Finance of the Government of Dubai announced that it has applied the smart financial planning program to the 54 entities attached to the government budget.

The department stated, in a statement yesterday, that it had completed the application of the automation of the system in three months, during which seven induction workshops and 30 training workshops had been implemented, in which more than 120 employees, from various stakeholders, participated.

The Executive Director of the Planning and Public Budget Sector at the Department of Finance, Arif Abdulrahman Ahli, stressed the importance of the transition to automating the processes of the budget cycle for attached bodies, indicating that this project meets the requirements of digital transformation in the emirate of Dubai, and the Dubai strategy for paperless transactions.

He said that this step would speed up operations, raise the accuracy of data and outputs, save time and effort for employees, and save paperwork. "The automation of the budget cycle processes of the entities attached to the Dubai government increases the efficiency in managing public money, by providing a single platform for operations that is transparent and easy, and allows those concerned to access data accurately and quickly," Ahli added.

The department, represented by the Attached Budget Department and the Systems Development Department, succeeded in implementing the project, which witnessed the completion of 75% of the work related to the application of smart financial planning on the attached entities, during the period of remote work, and also succeeded in completing training work for all parties, through 30 workshops. Training, using distance training techniques.

It is noteworthy that the bodies attached to the budget of the Dubai government are the institutional entities that receive annual support from the government, according to their own budget called the supplementary budget prepared by the Finance Department, and attached to the general budget, by a decision of the Supreme Committee for Financial Policy in Dubai.

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