Teller Report

Trump remarks "Korea is also over" over re-proliferation of corona in Korea

8/21/2020, 1:26:13 AM

The U.S., emphasizing that President Trump is coping well with the corona, made a remark that South Korea has also failed. President Trump gave a speech in Pennsylvania on the 20th local time, praising the U.S. government for having done a great job with coronavirus.

The U.S., emphasizing that President Trump is coping well with the corona, made a remark that South Korea has also failed.

President Trump gave a speech in Pennsylvania on the 20th local time, praising the U.S. government for having done a great job with coronavirus.

Then there are people who want to compare the United States with other countries, and they talk about New Zealand, and they say that New Zealand is over and there was a big outbreak yesterday.

And then he continued to say that there was a big outbreak in Korea yesterday and that Korea was over.

It is interpreted as an allegation that the policy has failed as the corona spreads again in Korea and New Zealand, which were called exemplary countries for quarantine.

President Trump also reaffirmed that if Hillary had been president, he would have waged war with North Korea, but since he became president, there was no war and no one died.

(Photo = Getty Image Korea)

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