Teller Report

Analysis: "It was the most important speech in Biden's life"

8/21/2020, 10:45:52 AM

It was the most important political speech in Joe Biden's life. And most agree that he delivered. But when the Democrats' presidential candidate last night portrayed himself as the light in the dark, he also opened up to new attacks from the Republicans.

Basketball star Stephen Curry and Tiktok queen Sarah Cooper in all their glory, but the only thing Americans really waited for during the final night of the Democrats' convention was the speech by Joe Biden. And the stakes were high.

At the convention, speaker after speaker for the past four days has proclaimed that democracy itself is at stake, that the United States needs to be saved, that the White House needs a real president, and that person is Joe Biden.

"Everyone wanted something from Joe"

Workers wondered if he would talk about job creation (he talked about it), activists waited for him to say that black lives count (he did not say so), and some insecure voters, fed with conspiracy theories that Biden is senile, waited for the slightest sign of just that.

Everyone wanted something from Joe, but delivering something to everyone without upsetting anyone is a slack line to balance on when the United States is watching.

So, how was the speech? Joe Biden's speech was not even close to feeling like a speech at a convention. This was something completely different. Admittedly, the energy was there, as well as sufficient determination and even anger enough to get Republicans to rethink the portrayal of Joe Biden as a fragile old man.

But the speech with Biden, who spoke straight into the camera instead of his gaze swaying from side to side, was more like a speech from a president in a time of seriousness than a speech from a presidential candidate trying to build engagement among the masses.

"Navigated skillfully"

It was a Biden who skillfully navigated between the voters of the Democratic Party. Biden never said "black lives count", but he said "knee-jerk-injustices" He said not only that climate change is a crisis, but also that it means job opportunities.

But above all, factual politics was overshadowed in favor of talk of light against darkness, good against evil. About an enemy and anyone who wants to get rid of the enemy. It is around this sense of weight and seriousness that Joe Biden hopes to gather voters by, as he said, being a president of all Americans.

"In a few days, the Republican ditto will begin"

Now the Democrats 'convention is over and in a few days the Republicans' ditto will begin. Expect that the heroic tale around the Biden Democrats tried to paint then will be torn apart by his opponents.

Republicans have portrayed Joe Biden as a slow elder who will not be a match for President Trump, especially in the planned debates. That tactic will not work if Joe Biden continues to give similar speeches in the future. Instead, Republicans tend to criticize Biden over his proposal for national masking and his proposed changes to the Obamacare health insurance program.