Teller Report

Education is not guaranteed by going on strike

8/19/2020, 10:05:58 PM

The strike called by the Madrid teachers a few days before the beginning of the school year is an enormous act of irresponsibility, inadmissible for those who have the duty to

The strike called by the Madrid teachers a few days before the beginning of the school year is a huge act of irresponsibility, unacceptable for those who have the duty to guarantee the functioning of a basic and essential service such as Education. As the rest of the workers do every day, teachers must assume the exceptionality of the situation caused by the pandemic and assume that there is no zero risk nor will it ever be possible to ensure a one hundred percent safe work environment. If the rest of the professionals, both from the public and private sectors, acted in the same way, it would cause a collapse in hospitals, means of transport, security forces, firefighters or food chains, where work is done following recommended prevention measures, but with the inevitable concern generated by a highly contagious virus. The teachers unions know that their maximum demands are unaffordable due to the budget of our educational system, which a few days before the start of classes cannot double the current staff of teachers or cleaners, as they demand, nor does it have the capacity to enable new spaces that allow the ratio of students per class to be cut in half and make it possible to meet the minimum distance.

The attitude of the group of teachers - who suspiciously go to the Madrid Ministry of Education incorporating political slogans to their demands instead of making their demands to Minister CelaĆ” - is consistent with the lack of will to collaborate demonstrated so far. When classes were resumed in many European countries at the end of May, they resisted going back, just as they refused to give reinforcement classes in the summer. Now, they want that the school year does not start, although this violates the right to education of more than eight million students . A nonsense for which they are finding support in some parents' associations that threaten the absenteeism of their children if absolute safety conditions are not guaranteed, something unfeasible due to the particularities of each center and the nature of the health threat. Both some and others know that what is impossible to achieve becomes a desideratum .

It is true, however, that the Ministry of Education, once again demonstrating its negligence and its inability to anticipate the development of the pandemic, has not yet developed a basic protocol by which the autonomous communities can be governed . The Government, according to this newspaper, is currently modifying the document approved on June 22, which will have to be completed before the Conference of Presidents that will be held before the end of the month between the Government and the CCAA. The constant increase in new infections, hospital admissions and deaths pose a challenge for the entire society and especially for Education. But calling a strike will only prevent classes from resuming.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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